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This will take care of the slow learners in the group who may not readily absorb the new knowledge of wound care and record keeping. Such group will be allocated approximately one week to continue working on practicality of wound care. This activity will be resonated on their computer knowledge.


For students that will have shown exemplary performance, they will be given opportunity to learn about more complicated ways of handling critical wounds. An opportunity will also be available to them to use complex data storage soft wares in managing patients’ records.

Memory Aid:

Memory aid will majorly take two directions. During pre-training, medical charts that illustrate the steps to be followed in handling wounds will be given to the students. Besides this, additional handbook that details computer information will be provided.


Since the students are engaged in practical handling of patients and their information, transfer of knowledge will therefore take the form of practical work. More so, the trainees will be on a day to day contact with the patients making it difficult for them to easily forget about procedures.


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Develop a consistent record keeping system that detail patient’s information. The trainees will be shown how the computer programs of Ms Word, Ms Access, and Ms Excel are used to create consistent data for each patient. The data created should show in detail information about patient’s age, name, contacts and the nature of the wound. This should take alphabetical order of patients’ names to enable easy retrieval of information.

Examples; the trainees will be shown some of the best samples used in storing data in major hospitals, where a click at the name of the patient on the software shows all information a doctor needs. Student Participation; each student will be provided with a computer to create a computer record system using the steps already outlined. Feedback; having developed their own record system, feedback will take the form of comparison to the best developed record system shown to the students.

Development of safety sense while handling wounds: the trainee will be shown various safety devices available for use while in contact with a patient with wounds. The trainee will be subjected to a thorough induction on the dangers of being in direct contact with wounds. Highlighted in this section will be the various diseases transmittable by blood from one person to another. Some of the safety devices they will be told include gloves and safety bandages.

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Examples: The trainer is expected to demonstrate to the students the proper methods and steps of wearing gloves and tying of safety bandages. After completion of the exercise, the trainer will show how to remove the glove with precaution, ensuring that the patient’s blood does not come into contact with his/her body. Student Participation: Trainees will perform the exact steps shown to them by the trainer about handling of safety gloves and bandages. This will take place in groups. Feedback: once the trainees have done their part, feedback will take the form of personal comparison to what the trainer did.

Acquisition of proper wound dressing techniques: the trainer will demonstrate to the trainees about the various methods used to dress patient’s wounds. This will take available dressing choices such as semi-permeable (OpSite), Non adherent moist (Jelonet) and Fixation Sheet Porous polyester (Mefix). Trainees will further be educated on the advantages and disadvantages unique to each of these dressing styles.

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Examples: the trainer will perform each of the above dressing styles to different patients with different wound severity. Student Participation: under the watchful eye of the trainer, the trainees will perform the same procedures as the trainer on different patients. Feedback: this will be instantly given by the trainer since each dressing action by the students will happen under his watch.

Critical analysis of the patient’s stored information: the trainer will show the trainees the stops involved in analyzing patient’s information. This will be done to enable the students to come up with appropriate medication for each student. This analysis will take the form of critical analysis of the various forms of dressing and their applicability.

Examples; the trainer will show to the trainees some of the information analysis by various doctors about different wounds. Student Participation; students will be given stored patients information to analyze and make conclusions about appropriate medication. Feedback: Once the students have analyzed patient’s information, they will compare their conclusions with the standard conclusions given by qualified doctors on the same.



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