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Loading Film

In order to access the film chamber, the following steps are followed: firstly, pull out the knob and open the back cover on the left side of the camera. Secondly, place the camera and load the film. One should ensure that the film is placed away from the sunlight. After loading the film, ensure that the cartridge is at the end and points downward from the camera. Thirdly, pull the small lead strip off and wrap on the other side of the camera. Ensure that the wrapping is well positioned away from the films perforations (Crombie, 1990). Moreover, it should be aligned with the spool tool. It is advisable not to touch the shutter curtains. Turn the film lever to ensure that the film is in the right position. The film should be turned a number of times after which the chamber lid is closed. The film speed is set by turning the setting ring on the camera. This helps in displaying the speed of the film to enhance the focus on the camera lens.

An illustration of a camera lens

Keep the camera at the same level with the object. The film lever should be kept in a secure position alongside with back of the camera. Keeping the film in secured position enables the shutter from being released. When one is ready to take a picture, pull the lever back to the most suitable position. It is advisable to move the lever back to a level of 30 degree. Remove the lens cap (Renner, 1999). The lens is turned until the focus is achieved. Press the shutter button to take a shot. Meanwhile, turn the lever in a clockwise direction. This helps to move the lever to the next position of exposure and ready to take another shot.


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After using the entire roll film, rewind it using the film crank on the left side. The crank should be turned faster to ensure that there is no extension left. Crank is lifted until all the roll is in one position (Crombie, 1990). The film chamber is opened and the film canister is removed from the camera. Ensure that there is no direct sunlight to avoid damaging the film. The film crank is pushed back so that another roll of film is placed inside the chamber ready for use (Batchen, 2003). The film format will also vary depending on the type of the camera. However, roll film is the most common as it is produced through the standardized process through the use of popular cameras.

Photography remains to be one of the most important inventions in human history. It has played a great role in transforming people’s views and perceptions of the world and their environment. This is simply because, photography enables us to capture and preserve moments for years. Surprisingly, many people do not know how to safely use a camera (Renner, 1999). Although technology has lead to development of digital cameras, films are still used in great way in producing professional photography.

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Instructions about the use of a camera will be of great importance to every user in the world. This is because, cameras are standardized and made available in most countries. Therefore, this manual will help most individuals in knowing how to safely use the camera and maintain it well. Reading this manual will also enable the user to have a wider knowledge about the use of the camera in different fields (Crombie, 1990).  Virtually, these instructions can be followed by an individual and safely get to the field to take pictures.

Hazard notices and safety information

Cameras are very delicate. This implies that they should be handled with a lot of care in all cases to avoid destroying them. The ability to use the camera safely helps in increasing its durability. Some of the safety information involves: firstly, safe handling of the film while loading or unloading it from the camera (Renner, 1999). The film should not be exposed to direct sunlight. This immediately damages the film and cannot be used in taking pictures. Secondly, the user should carefully remove the lens cap before taking the picture. This enables him or her to have a clear focus and take the most precise shot. The user should ensure that the camera does not fall as it is likely to break.



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