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Communication Strategies

There are various styles that can used to learn about clients in order to communicate effectively with them. One of the styles that can be used is psychoanalytic therapy. This type of therapy attempts to bring unconscious material into conscious. This enhances the ego so that behavior is revealed in a much better way (Burger, 2008). The focus in this kind of therapy is to explore the client's past life with the intention of getting a deeper level of self-understanding and insight. Behavioral therapy also helps in the understanding of the client.

This is a direct, active, and particular problem-solving approach to the understanding of a client. The manager can focus on the client's present problems and life situation in order to understand them. The manager will then understand the client's better by teaching them new coping skills to achieve their desired outcomes. The other style that the client can use is the humanistic therapy. The manager can utilize the client's present life situation to understand them better. This is a client-centered approach to understanding the clients. This approach helps the clients in self-directed growth and enhances their capacity to resolve their own challenges in life.

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Strategies and techniques to take when communicating with each of the clients

One of the strategies that can be used when communicating with clients is listening. Listening is paying a close attention to or to hear with solicitous consideration. Skillful listening is as significant as talking or acting. Through listening a manager or a helper is able to understand the client and the manner in which the client perceives the world. The manager is required to listen attentively to every message from the client. This will help the manager understand the client's problems and assist in solving them (Burger, 2008).

Another effective technique to use while communicating with the clients is giving a feedback. Giving feedback entails conveying to clients perceptions, thoughts, observations, or other messages regarding their behavior. This assists the client in learning how others perceive their behavior. Clients can then make efforts to correct errors in the perception, change unpleasant behaviors and create goals in life. Another technique to use is observing. Observing entails noting or recognizing events and processes. Observing provides managers and helpers acquire with basic information. Basic information is very important in the process of communication. Clarifying which involves making clear what message has been sent (Burger, 2008).

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Adapting communication approach from one individual to the next

A manager can adapt communication approach from one individual to the next through prior training. The approach that a manager uses can influence the manner in which he perceives the client and thus affects particular aspects of behavior he notes with concerned efforts. Through prior training a manager can employ a behavioral approach to identify the differences between clients and hence adapt communication approaches appropriately. Awareness also helps managers understand their own styles of communication (Burger, 2008). This is important because it helps them to adapt them in handling different clients.

Another effective method of adapting different communication approach in different clients is by working in groups. Through the group, a manager can be able to establish a common working point and thus use one communication approach to all the members in the group. Working in a group however requires excellent group leadership skills. These are necessary to prevent group members from building dysfunctional methods of handling their crisis. They are also necessary in enhancing members' participation in group activities in order to use a collective approach to communication. Working in a group also involves establishing collective goals and norms that facilitate the application of common communication approach (Burger, 2008). These should be established during the formation of the group.


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