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The Affecting of Globalization

There is a common saying that is being used today that goes "The world today is a small village". This is as a result of the many economical, political and technological inventions and changes that have been in place in the recent past that have made improvement in communication, transport, and trade. These advanced technological advances have made it easy for individuals from different locations and regions in the world to invest in different locations in the world and this has resulted to globalization.

Globalization is a process where a local society, culture, economy, or practice is integrated to surpass the local boundaries to a point were the local culture and economy reaches the people from other cultural backgrounds that aren't from the same cultural background (Schifferes, par.3). These local regional practices are integrated internationally through the improved systems in the communication, transports and trade. These ensure that there is an improved communication, trade and transport mechanism that is the most effective organs that boosts globalization.


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Global Analysts have stated that globalization is successful because of combined factors that include economic and political stability, socio-cultural practices, advanced technological improvements and biological factors. These factors are made successful through the flow of ideas, standardized language and a popularized culture when these aspects are put into consideration it facilitates a speedy growth of globalization.

Globalization has got some effects that accompanies some of the effects of globalization to the society includes positive and negative effects that it has on the economy, political and socio -cultural fields. This paper highlights the ways that globalization has affected the Business field, Education sector and Employment sectors.

Employment is one sector amongst the many sectors that are affected by globalization; this sector is affected by globalization in two ways. These are positive and negative ways. In this section we are going to highlight on these effects of globalization in the employment sector beginning with the positive impacts.

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Globalization has improved the media coverage in the globe; this has led to sensitizing the people and enabled the people to know there rights. It has also lead to the creation of many employment opportunities that are varied. For example, the employment of the media personality, the introduction of the international Non Governmental Organizations (NGO), and other innovative groups that will in some point create the employment opportunities. With all these changes, globalization has facilitated that the individuals plights are exposed globally and the NGOs will come to there aid and in the process the provide employment opportunity to the locals (Tutor2u, par.4).

Globalization has resulted to the growth of employment opportunities in the various countries especially in the developing worlds. This is because many multinationals move there production bases to countries that provide cheap labour and plenty of raw materials. The most notable multinationals companies that have shifted their production to developing countries includes the Finland multinational company Nokia moving to Asia where there is cheap labour and plenty raw materials thus providing employment opportunities to the locals of the countries (Tutor2u, par.5).

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Globalization has also improved employment opportunity through the introduction of expatriate employment. These are cases where people are employed in other regions that aren't there native and provide expert roles to the companies that they are employed. This makes people to seek employment in regions that they aren't originals citizens and thus it contributes to migration from one country. An example is the way the diplomats are deployed in various countries to represent there country's interest in the country that they are deployed (Tutor2u, par.4).

Globalization has also resulted to the growth of employment, because it has produced equal room for competition among the local and multinational companies. This is for the reason that there is equal room that will ensure that the company's will be in a position of getting a straight market for there products. This will result to the development of companies enhancing competition and the companies will employ the people to work in the industries.

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For the negative aspects, globalization also renders many people jobless especially in the developed worlds. This is as a result of the multinational companies seeking for employment in the third world countries were they feel that the third world countries will offer them with cheap labour and raw materials. In addition, this is when companies will ensure that the production cost is reduced and the companies move their industries in to the third world countries. Consequently, making the people from the developed world jobless; on the other hand, the once in the developing world are employed in these multinational companies (Tutor2u, par.2).

Globalization has positively and negative affects the education sector, some ways in which education is positively affected is the by the technological improvements that led to the introduction of the internet, social media, global information and telecommunication systems. These improvements have positively affected the education system as the students can learn from there rooms or in a place that has internet access. Thus making education easy and interesting to the students as it is more interactive compared to the way it was initially (Chinnammai, p.3).

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Globalization has also resulted to internationalisation of the education system this is where the student can be in a position to learn what is being taught in another region in the world. This is because of the system that is aimed at making the students in the region to be with the same education that is accepted universally. For this reason, the students in the high schools and universities engage in other university transfers thus making them to be diverse in their respective area of specialization. The students know the ways in which the other regions are well and what they experience thus exposing the students to the different environmental settings of the people (Schifferes, par.5).

The invention of electronic equipments and good storage facilities has resulted to the improvement of education in the world. This is because the students can be able to reach all the relevant materials that are necessary for their education (Chinnammai, p.2). In that they will be in a position to get the necessary information they need in class as they will be in soft copy and posted by the teacher in the internet. Thus each student will be able to access the information easily without any problem. This will improve the education system as the students will be in a position to pass their final examinations as they will be in a position to deliver in there class works.

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Education has also made interesting as a result of globalization. This is when the multinational organizations get involved in projects aimed at giving back to the community. The organization indulged in project aimed at improving relation with their customers; as a result they will help in project funding the building of schools in the third world countries. Moreover, they will build schools that will be internationally reorganized and this will in some way increase the education level of these countries. This is because the teaching and standard that are provided by these companies will be improved thus improving education of these groups (Chinnammai, p.4).

Globalization has positive and negative effects on business, some of the positive effects is when it provides equal opportunity for companies to advertise their products and thrive in the world market. The improved communication facilities has made it easy for the companies to reach their respective customers world wide; thus providing equal room for businesses and other business opportunities to thrive in these regions.

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Globalization has also resulted to improved quality and production by the companies and this has made the consumer have value for their money. This is experienced when the companies that are producing the same products aims at making the best quality of their products than there competitors. For example the mobile phone companies that are mostly competing in making the best products thus make the customers have a wide range of choice when buying a phone. This results to improved products at a cheaper cost (Schifferes, par.2).

Globalization has also resulted to the rapid development of the developing countries thus improving the lives of the countries citizens and at the same time reducing the gap between the poor and the rich. For instance in countries like India, Brazil, Thailand, Singapore, Argentina and China among others developing companies, that have turned out to become countries whose economy are rising faster. This is because of the many multinational industries set their base in these countries and in the process these companies and countries mutually benefiting from each other. Thus helping the country economy to grow thus ensuring that the countries economy grow steadily.

Globalization has resulted to the globalization of the world markets; this is when the producers of the products have shifted their attention in producing products that are suitable for the specific markets. The multinationals will evaluate at the requirements of the people in which it has set its camp. This will make the company check on the likes and dislikes of the people in these regions and from that make products that are well appreciated with the locals. And in the process the companies widen there market this is by them catering for the markets that they are located. Also the companies get increased returns in the form of there increased sales, an example is when the General Motors GM looks at the likes of the Indian market and from the evaluation the make a vehicle that goes in an Indian name this automatically appealing to the Indian motor vehicle buyers (Tutor2u, par.1).

Globalization has also played a leading role in killing of the local industries in the developing countries. This is when the developing countries aim at making products that will compete with the international products which tend to be more effective than the locally made products. Thus many of the people will opt to buy the international products therefore leaving the local producers and products with no room for selling there products. Thus making it difficult for the companies to survive thus the collapse and cease to survive due to lack of support from its citizens (Schifferes, par.4).

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Globalization has also resulted to the degradation the natural reserves in the third world countries and this has resulted to reduced economy of the countries and a the same time making the population of the people to be more poorer. This is because the multinational companies in these developing countries exploit the natural resources in search of raw materials that will ensure that the companies are able to operate. In the process the companies exploit the natural resources of these countries this is by deforestation (Tutor2u, par.2). Mining and other activities that are aimed at providing them with the necessary products that will facilitate the production of the products and as a result of these the locals are exploited with these companies. They become exploited as they aren't involved or compensated for the damages the faced in the process.

Globalization has also resulted to the difficulty of the third world companies to take care of there increasing population; this is because the companies' products are sold at low costs. This eventually makes the government collect low revenue which is inform of taxes (Tutor2u, par.4). The low collection of the taxes that the government gets from these companies makes it impossible for government to sustain its populations; thus exposing these countries people to poor and unable to take care of themselves. This result to the country resorting to borrowing from the developed worlds and the donors that will help the country sustain itself. As a result, the country becomes imprisoned with debts that it cant relieve itself from; thus making it difficult for these developing countries to benefit from the global trade as they are denied the room of expanding and at the same time they are exploited with the multinational companies.



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