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Environmental Pollution Case Study

Caffeine pollution in Oregon coastal waters

In the year 2010, Masters’ students of Environmental Science and Management conducted a study on caffeine pollution of freshwater. This study which was set in Oregon Coastal Ocean revealed that regional waters had high degree of caffeine pollution. On this note, the levels of caffeine in the Oregon’s coastal water was measured in order to ascertain if there was any connection between the current level and the nearby source of caffeine pollution. The determined concentration of caffeine in Oregon coastal ocean was 44.7 ng/L. Moreover, the research found out that the level of caffeine in streams that were draining water off the Oregon coastal ocean was beyond 152.2 ng/L. In addition, it was revealed that there was no relationship between the levels of caffeine in the waters of Oregon Ocean and the density of human population. Similarly, the determined levels of Caffeine did not correspond to the proximity of the sources of potential pollution in Oregon coastal region. However, the study revealed that the concentration of the caffeine in Oregon Coastal was much influenced by the number and importance of the accidences that occurred during the storm. Generally, the results of the research showed that caffeine could be eliminated while controlling the amount of treatment plants found in waste waters. Additionally, high rainfall mixed with sewage could wash out the caffeine contamination out of the Oregon Coastal waters. Subsequently, contrary to the students’ expectations, the study found out that treatment plants were not the main caffeine pollutant of Oregon ocean waters. Caffeine is a substance found mainly in various food and beverages. In this respect, the caffeine pollution is mainly influenced by human activity. Likewise, caffeine substance is found in pharmaceuticals. Thus, the pollution can be a result of the usage of pharmaceutical products such as pesticides and insecticides among others. The study also revealed that although human being consumes beverages that contain caffeine, the caffeine pollution on Oregon Coastal waters has biological effects to both human beings and animals.



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