Table of Contents
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to provide an evaluation of the service offering, and the concepts involved in the specification of issuance and blueprinting. There are certain critical issues that are associated with service offering and service design. The report determines and evaluates these issues and estimates the significance of service design, management and marketing relative to the delivery and design process. Once these terms of reference are determined, the report presents a conceptual flow that provides a value proposition depending on how organizations perceive and manage the customer expectation. The ability of a firm to integrate its policies to the customer expectation is essential to the success of service delivery. Furthermore, the paper evaluates the service delivery process and the customer as a function. Management of services increases organizational experience in the market place, and this is essential to the success of the business. Therefore, the report provides the best approach to be adopted to enhance the design of organizational process and management of services.
Service Design Concepts and Context
The failure of design and processes is attributed to blind design. Blind design is indulging in customizing and designing business models and approaches without accounting for all the variables and stakeholders in the context (Mollenkopf, Rabinovich, Laseter, & Boyer, 2007). The first step before involving into design is having an understanding of a service in the context of the business. Such an understanding increases chances of designing an appropriate model that is not only adaptable to the changes in the business environment, but which is also the one that captures all the business needs. As an activity, the aim of providing a service is meeting the needs of customers. Theoretically, customer satisfaction is paramount in service delivery. The other variables that are encapsulated in service provision include resources that will enhance the delivery of the service into an output that meets customer needs. There are different ways upon which a service can be evaluated. Some of these include the quality of the output, the satisfaction level of the client and the time of service delivery (Johnston & Clark, 2005). These basic variables act as the basis for determining the success of the service.
Customer satisfaction as a theme can be evaluated in different ways to determine the level of service quality and delivery time. In most cases, organizations make use of surveys and questionnaires to engage their audience and customers in an effort of determining the level of satisfaction and how they can improve the quality of their service. Feedback provision is essential in the determination of the level of quality. Proper service design should take into account some of the following parameters: delivery time, quality of service, customer service including how the personnel handles the customer and the responses from the client. As a concept, determining the needs of the clients is essential in increasing the performance of the company on grounds of quality, response time and service delivery (Roth & Menor, 2003). Determining the experience of the customer is important in designing how to deliver or upgrade the proposed or existing service to meet customer expectations.
From a business and marketing perspective, clients are always out looking for quality, reliability and consistency in service delivery. Therefore, carrying out a study to determine the level of client experience will result into designing a quality and effective service delivery system. It is worth noting that customers will not choose a company that offers low-quality services at the expense of price. On the contrary, clients are willing to forego high prices and chose a provider who assures quality, consistency and added value (Hollins & Shinkins, 2006). The context of proper service design stipulates that quality should come before determining the price and not the other way round. As such, the client will be able to get services in a quantifiable environment as offered by the provider. High-quality services are only achieved in an environment where the application of technology has been embraced entirely. It is worth noting that client needs should be met in the design and adoption of any technology. This will result into a well-defined management of the changing needs of the client relative to the consequent upgrades in the technology.
Once technology has been adopted as the basis for upgrading the level of service delivery in an organization, the company has to redesign its business processes to meet the aspect of technology requirements (Patrício, Fisk, & e Cunha, 2008). This implies that the firm has to conduct customer identification. Once the customers are identified, the company has to stipulate and meet their expectations in accordance with the new design. To achieve this effectively, the firm has to perform a documentation of client needs relatively to its policies. One can conclude that in an effort to meet customer needs, the organization has to implement a system that captures the specifications of the customers, meets their demands and provides quality services that are duly delivered (Roth & Menor, 2003). Systems design and implementation principles indicate that systems should be simple and not complex. However, this simplicity should not overlook the basic functionality and needs of the clients. In essence, the success of a system that delivers services is evaluated in its ability of meeting customer needs, providing quality level of service in a timely manner and not incurring any additional cost whenever upgrades take place.
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In conclusion, the success of service design is dependent on a number of factors. These include the market research and evaluation and analysis of the needs of the clients (Verma & Thompson, 1999). Specification capturing and documentation in the form of a blueprint are essential in redesigning the system. These steps increase the competitive edge of the organization. Such a system is achieved once customer needs have been analyzed, understood and documented.
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