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Internal Communication and Listening

Internal Communication

Undoubtedly, the nature of business conversations is idiosyncratic. It is obvious that the levels of communication differ according to the position that a particular person – boss, peer, subordinate – occupies. Therefore, it is significant to clarify the peculiarities of successful persuasive communication as it always brings positive results if its theory is put into practice properly. To put it plainly, there are some facets of professional communication that a person should consider and practice in order to achieve success.

The peculiarities of professional business communication that one may elicit from everyday life situations regard persuasive speech acts and special code of conduct. Ellis rightfully stated that one of the hallmarks of a successful communication is connected with the notion of it being at the right time and in the right style in order to provide the right kind of communication and match the right audience (Ellis, 2002, p. 27). Probably, the word “audience” is the key point to consider.


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The matter of internal communication is mainly connected with vertical and horizontal criteria. The former one is applied when there is a need to communicate with a boss or subordinate while the latter consists in communicating with peers or colleagues. Not surprisingly, vertical communication is quite complicated in comparison to horizontal as it concerns higher and lower positions in the workplace. Communication with boss (vertical) should preserve rather formal tones and attitudes. Such type of communication is usually marked with formal working environment. On the contrary, conversations with peers (horizontal) may use friendly informal style.

To sum up, successful internal communication presupposes certain codes of conduct and styles of conversations that should be properly applied at work. A person ought to take into account the notion of vertical and horizontal communication and differentiate them as well as their results.


The matter of listening is also paramount when it comes to business organizations. Although it is true that people may be good or bad listeners, I believe that listening also depends on particular situations, the role of speaker and his/her speaking abilities. However, it is reasonable to mention that poor listeners may improve their personal listening skills. In addition, organizations can improve the listening skills of their employees by implementing particular courses into their daily routine.

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It is a widely accepted fact that active listening and communication skills should be used in different aspects in terms of business. One of the most common cases is concerned with the role of the employers in the interviews. The best ways to improve listening skills in practice regard using appropriate facial expressions, making eye contact, avoiding distracting actions and interruptions. The organizations that have to deal with business situations where listening to the customers is of utmost importance should promote the rules for proper listening behavior and establish particular norms concerning active listening.

Active listening presupposes the highest levels of participation in a conversation. Guffey (2000) dwells upon the keys to building powerful listening skills. She managed to define ten sound advice that include controlling internal and external distractions, separating facts from opinions, becoming actively involved, asking clarifying questions, avoiding interrupting, taking notes to ensure retention, paraphrasing to improve understanding, and being conscious of gender issues (Guffey, 2000, p. 62). Seemingly, these points are crucial for good communication skills.

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Therefore, it is obvious that a good listener achieves the desired effects. An employer that possesses good listening skills is sure to find the best employees. The organizations that promote listening behavior will attract more customers than other ones. It is evident that good communication and listening skills are considered to be the bridges to success.



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