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Sampling plan

The sampling plan will entail a detailed outline of which data will be taken at a certain time, in what manner, on which material and who will carry out the research. The plan will be designed in such a way that the resulting data will contain a representative sample from the population to allow all questions, as states in the objectives to be fulfilled. The goals and the information given in module 1 should provide the information needed when selecting the parameters and determining the expected and the required measurements.

Raymond 1978 states that sampling starts by identifying the parameters to be measured, the possible values to be obtained and the resolution that is required. The goals will be examined carefully to determine the variables needed for samples and how they will be sampled. The hypothesis question will be to determine whether the mortality risk is affected by an individual’s level of education.

Target population

In this case, a sample will be taken from a population that has both educated and uneducated people. The aim will be to measure the mortality rate in both groups to establish whether it is true that people with less education have higher mortality rates than the educated people. The parameters to be measured include the causes of mortality such as ignorance and various risks that people of various education levels face. Other parameters include the race of an individual; it is believed that black Americans have a higher mortality rate compared to white people because of risks they are exposed to. The sample will used to determine whether the education level of an individual helps them to reason negatively or positively when resolving conflict. The individual’s perception on behavioral activities such as drugs also determine ones mortality rate.

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Sample frame

The sample frame will include individuals from the society, institutions such as schools and hospitals, and households among others. Roger 2006 notes that it is impossible to include every human in the survey because of various reasons such as financial restriction, time and the fact that a considerably large data size will have a big error. A very small sample size will also be avoided because it might give biased results that might not give the right results on the survey. A sample frame therefore, needs to be carefully selected considering all the above factors.


The sample will also be drawn from countries like Switzerland, USA, Africa, among other countries; each of these countries has a different mortality rate and different education levels. In Switzerland the sample size will be taken to determine the education levels of some of the drug addicts; this will help in drawing a conclusion on the individual’s perception on mortality and education. Africans living in Africa are also perceived to have higher mortality rates that are as a result of sexually transmitted diseases; the sample will therefore, be taken from the records of people that have died due sexually transmitted diseases to review their education level. There are many cases of cardiovascular diseases in USA today; most children are obese because of taking a poor diet that has a lot of sugar, cholesterol and salts. Poor feeding has been attributed to the high mortality rate in the country; this is however, attributed to the education level because the educated people in the country can afford a better diet that has more fruits and vegetables. A sample therefore, will be taken from such groups of people to determine the education level of people that suffer from such diseases.

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Education is also associated with a higher life span because more educated people are perceived to get more income than the less educated. High incomes translates to better medical care, good quality of life, less stress, health insurance, healthy food, shelter and less exposure to risks. The sample therefore will consider these parameters to prove whether it is true that people with better education have higher compensation and a better quality of life. The sample will therefore, consider the rich and the poor to establish their education levels and the consequent influence on their mortality rates.

Culture also affects the mortality rate of people in various communities; culture translates to various beliefs and character influence in a society. Citizens of German Switzerland are perceived to have a high mortality rate due to drug abuse in the country. This lifestyle is considered a culture in the country that has been adopted by most people; the sample will also consider this population.

Recruitment strategy

Maxine 2003 states that there are many potential failures that are associated with recruiting the right sample size; the challenges include making a detailed study design, characteristics of participants, and collaboration with various institutions that have vital information on the matter. Various methods of data collection both primary and secondary will be incorporated to ensure that appropriate data is acquired. Questionnaires, interviews and other forms of primary data collection methods will be used.


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