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International Business Issue


GDP per capita is defined as the average income of people in a given country. A higher GDP per capita may indicate that the country’s economic position is rising; hence there is perception of overall growth in the country’s development. Meanwhile, a lower GDP per capita may indicate a declining economy in the country; therefore, the country’s is perceived to be at a disadvantage economically in contrast to other countries, in the same economic class (Tucker, 2010). GDP per capita is not an accurate method of determining the country’s economic progress since it is calculated through the division of the country’s total income with the total population. GDP per capita does not factor the changes in the world economies and how the country is performing against pegged currencies. Therefore, GDP per capita is not an accurate measure of the country’s economic position and progress since it uses the country’s income which could be a factor of inflation or high interest rates.

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The characterization of people’s quality of life as a measure of the country’s economic position is also incorrect. This is because an improvement in people’s lives may be because of various factors such as an increase in disposable income; however, this does not mean that the country’s economy is improving. An improvement in people’s lives could be as a result of various factors such reallocation of resources and optimal allocation of available resources. However, the economic progress is determined by the country’s ability to generate new revenues. People’s quality of life could be perceived to be improving while the country’s economic position stagnates. Therefore, the two arguments are incorrect in demonstrating a country’s economic status.


The emergence of china as a superpower is attributable to the country’s economic strategies. Therefore, this phenomenon has significant impacts on trade between Europe, North America and Asia. China’s economic strategy is premised on creating economic links to other countries in the world and the movement of capital in the international market. The integration of china in the world trade organization enabled china to access, American and European markets as a reliable supplier labor and products. This implies that the production of labor-intensive products aimed for high-income economies has the capacity to reduce management costs through the reduction of geographical diversity of production facilities. Therefore, a significant percentage of production can be done in china as a result of its lower production costs in contrast to production in North America or Europe (Woo, 2003).

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In light of this, developed economies are faced with a common challenge from the rise of China as an economic super power significantly in manufacturing; which is on the criteria of upgrading workers who have been downsized or lost their jobs as a consequence of china’s labor costs and availability. Therefore, the entry of China as an economic super power in the international economies will enable increased specialization of tasks in the job market; thus, a country capable of providing its workforce with the range and depth of scientific and technological training needed in the workplace will be able to receive a percentage of the available economic wealth.


Among the propelling forces towards Brazil’s economic progress are the numerous emerging markets and large number of labor force. These forces when aligned with the country’s economic initiatives; which have been put in place to ensure that the country is in a recovering and progressive economic trajectory are critical contributors to brazil’s economic progress. Among these initiatives is the creation and adoption of infrastructure such as roads, sea ports and technology. Consequently, the participation of the population in economic projects has led to the reduction in economic inequalities and poverty levels. This has been achieved through the implementation of programs designed to eliminate the poverty cycle while reducing poverty levels (Williams, 2011).

Additionally, low tax rates has been a driving force in attracting foreign investors who find the cost of doing business is lower in brazil in contrast to other European countries. As a result, Brazil has implemented new foreign investment and international trade policies which have opened the country to international trade and association with the world. These have been achieved through reduced import tariffs and the modernization of import systems making it easier and cheaper for foreign entities to trade in Brazil. Meanwhile, the Brazil government has put in place reform measures aimed at improving governmental institutions in a bid to improve their efficiency for foreign investors and the Brazil population.

It is my opinion that Brazil’s strategy to reduce taxes on investment will attract more investors into the country; meanwhile, the government’s initiatives to improve infrastructure in critical to economic recovery. In light of these, brazil is among the rapid growing economies.


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