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Strategic Dissection


The existing dynamics in the market requires that any business entity that is keen to maintain profitability and expansion must have sound strategies that allow it to blend into the market trends. The transformation of individual economies into a single block of global economy has had far reaching effects on how businesses are run. It is no longer business as usual. Internal and external business environments portray great levels of volatility that has never been witnessed before. Advents of complex information technology has lead to a more informed customer who is so cautious to make sound economic decisions that guarantees maximum satisfaction at the least possible costs. Stringent government policies on the economy and unfavorable geographic features add to the already crowded list of burden to business entities in the world. To remain relevant and profitable in the light of the above challenges, businesses have to employ clear and elaborate strategies that would ensure market consolidation and prospectus for acquiring new market niches. This essay attempts to show McDonalds Corporation’s strategies that aimed at rubber stamping the brand’s dominance in the fast foods market.


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McDonalds is a giant multinational food chain company that is based in the U.S. It was founded by the McDonald brothers in 1954 but was later bought by Ray Kroc who oversaw the impressive growth of the company into what it is today. This growth was mainly powered by result driven strategies as discussed below;

McDonalds’ Strategies and their implications

Sleek image and ambience of all their outlets; McDonalds management is alive to the fact that image plays a leading role in catching the eye of the consumer. Consequently, the fast food giant has made a deliberate step to spruce the appearance its establishments. The brand name is always set at a vantage position with a backdrop of rich yellow colors to enhance its beauty. This is propped by strict observance of high hygiene both within the company’s establishments and around its environs. Provision of WIFI connections also add to keep the consumer happy and loyal. This strategy of maintaining an appealing image and observing cleanliness have had far- reaching effects on the company.

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At the corporate and business level, the image strategy has seen McDonalds retain its lead as a food foods joint that minds the environment as well as the health of its workers and customers. At the operational level, the strategy has endeared management to the employees as they feel appreciated by the company’s resolve to maintain a better work environment.

Provision of health-conscious menus; McDonalds has sought to align its menu provision to the growing activism in favor of a healthier diet. Over time, the company has phased out some of its pioneering products like the larger than life French fries that have been linked to obesity. In their place, the company is substituting them with healthier alternatives such as cinnamon rolls and sausage burrito. This strategy has worked well in as far as McDonalds’ health bill is concerned. At the corporate level, the strategy has won the company accolades for the deliberate steps towards a healthier menu. This praise is mostly felt in the company’s British market where consumers attach great importance to healthy foods.

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Elaborate marketing strategy. Since inception, McDonald’s management employs a marketing strategy that is consumer sensitive. The company makes it a point to provide excellent services at affordable prices. This keeps the customer nourished and happy at pocket friendly rates as compared to their competitors. This strategy also involves use of educative advertisements that seek to inform its customers as well as perspective customers of their services. The company also employs digital and print media agencies to fight off criticisms about its operation. This strategy has proved to be a double edge sword since it keeps the McDonald brand famous while at the same time serves to dispel false allegations slung on it by competitors. For example, McDonald used advertisements to ward off criticisms on their low wage rate and use of young employees by showing their reasons behind such decisions.

On the corporate level, use of elaborate advertisements in its marketing strategy serves to bring the brand to a wider audience hence acquisition of new market zones and maintenance of the existing markets. Additionally, the strategy enables McDonalds to have an interface through which to interact with their customers. This is true with social networks like Facebook and twitter which facilitates feedback reception from customers. The company is best positioned to serve their customers by listening to their suggestions. Consequently, McDonalds has been able to compete favorably in the fast foods industry.

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At both the business and functional levels, sound marketing strategy that takes into consideration the customer’s suggestion, has helped in rolling out of products and services that best serves the customer. This is facilitated by the fact that the line managers and workers base production on the consumer feedbacks and suggestions.

Training of franchisees on customer care handling and restaurant management; McDonald’s headquarters has taken it upon itself to extensively train their franchise partners on its core values. This has gone a long way in achieving customer satisfaction globally since the mission and vision statements are homogenous. At the same time, McDonald’s competitors are kept at bay as franchises seek to consolidate the market. This strategy has seen McDonalds grow extensively while managing to keep their customers happy-thanks to their unified ethics that governs their service delivery.


McDonalds has succeeded in running the most respected brand in the fast food industry mainly because of its sound strategies that are sensitive to the dynamics of the external environment and conscious of the happenings in the internal environment. Its adept ability to adapt to rising changes is perhaps its most treasured tool in strategic management.



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