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Improving Organizational Performance Stimulation


The changing landscape in people’s management has called for the initiation and implementation of a number of strategies aimed at improving the levels of organizational performance. The role of people as a key ingredient in the realization of organizational objectives forms the main reason behind greatest attachment to their well being. A dissection of literature on HRM indicates that a number of companies employ various perspectives to achieve higher levels of employee satisfaction.

The success of any business is pegged the level of motivation of the employees (Green 1992). Human resources are critical to the prosperity, productivity and performance of a company such as Flying high airdevils. It is prudent to note that, motivation is plays a pivotal role in creating an environment where an employee’s optimal performance is achievable. Every individual has his own set of motivations and personal incentives to work hard. Some employees are motivated by recognition while others are motivated by monetary incentives. Whatever the motivation strategy, the important factor in promoting any motivation is to have a greater insight of the incentive as a manager. Indeed; employee motivational programs help in ensuring the workforce feel valued and worthwhile.


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Understanding the attitudes and perceptions of employees enables better management in the organization. The moral benefits that accrue when  workers are motivated are immeasurable. They not only become motivated but also creative and more productive. This in turn leads to improved performance. Understanding the psychology of attitudes and perceptions enables better management of employees in the organization.  The attitude is simply the mental state of readiness attained through experience thet influences an individuals’ response to all situations. It involve the pesonality, beliefs, values,  and behaviors of an individual.

Employee motivational strategies to increase productivity

Reward system

The company should initiate a reward system which appreciates each employee to boost their morale. This will go along way in making them be part of the company hence improve productivity.

The Knowledge of human behavior, cognition is critical in enhancing relationship in the company since it give the information of each employee’s social orientation which is important in understanding the behavior of each person Proper understanding is very important since it makes it easy relate and solve conflict and forge peaceful coexistence.

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Reduction of workplace stressors for employees

Introduce counseling session to employees

Employees are very critical to an organization and therefore education and   counseling session are very important to them. This is because counseling reduces stress and boosts their morale towards work.

Employee health and safety     

Globalization and dynamic nature of work place has created an overwhelming pressure on both employers and employees in organizations (Green, 1992). The increase in expenditures in health care a cross the world has led to unprecedented interest in workplace-based disease control and prevention (Green, 1992).This is a good strategy geared towards improving employees’ health as well as reducing costs. In addition, employees’ safety is critical to smooth operation an organization (Green, 1992). It is also prudent to note that employees form a significant part of an organization and therefore, employees’ health and well being is not only critical but also important for both employers and employees in organizations (Busse, 1992).

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Work life baklace

The company should introduce leaves, holiday to ensure that the employees private life is also given a priority.This will go along way in boosting employees creativity and productivity. Based on the finding on Flying high airdevils inc., most of the employees have changed their attitude towards work because of lack of  constant motivation. Motivation greatly  improves performance and tehrefoer should be implimented . The jobs allocated to each employee should be made as intresting and fulfilling as possible to motivate them to higher performance.

The management should develop various ways of ensuring that all employees are motivated and treated with respect and dignity. A change of attitude will cause the employees to embrace a positive attitude in all their assignments. If employess have a positive attitude, it affects every decision and actions that they make. The setting of goals is not done by the management only. Goals are set through particiption of each member in the groups in each departments. Involvement of employees changes their perception about everything. Each employee is encouraged to use his or her decision making skills so that the best decision is obtaned. Participation in the decision making process instils a sense of responsibility in the  employees. The management of the company should develop  ways of informing the employees on how they are performing finacially. A follow up on the implementation of the decisions made provides the employees with the feedback.  These changes have greatly improved the performance of employees.  

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A universal approach to HRM thus forms a very critical part that defines whether an organization will improve on individual performance and overall achievement of organizational aims and objectives. The role Human resource management in influencing the general strategic direction adopted by companies is critical to an organization’s growth. This revolves around the significant role HRM plays in employee attraction and recruitment, key determinants of organizational foundation. Furthermore, employee reward management is critical in the management of an organization because it affects the strategy of an organization and determines the priorities of an organization. Furthermore, this is pegged on the understanding that it is the department responsible for the development of the needs of the employees, takes the lead on how people foster acceptance of the change process and change management and affects the key performance outcomes that generate business success.



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