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The Patterns of Mothers’ Narratives

In her book, Brantlinger uses narrations from different mothers to analyze the way social class structure influences education success. The society is full of misconception and believes that the affluent possess materials and lead intellectually, which is not always true. Using narratives from mothers, Brantlinger examines children and schooling among the middle-class in the society.

Most people take double positions when stating their social class. Most women do not want to associate themselves with the upper class or lower class. They categorize themselves as a middle-class, yet they want their children to go to prestigious schools with standard structure and resources. Perhaps, this underscores the reason why Harvard students receive tag as competitive. Mothers regard their children as the greener top towering among other students. Many mothers attribute this to their rearing and upbringing as proclaimed by Sally, a teacher at a low-income school. According to Dana, their son received parental support that supplemented the school resources. It is significant also to acknowledge how parents, however, use their status to criticize the poor. The pressure of being at high standards begins when the children of affluent mothers do not become high achievers. When Lily’s daughter underperformed, her mother was quick to explain that the failure was a consequence of her missing the school after being sick. Such mothers do not consider intellectual abilities but merely give excuses for everything. The characters of Lily in her story epitomes the way mothers place themselves at the top positions with their children.


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The narratives in Brantlinger’s book explicitly illustrate the way affluent mothers consider themselves and subsequently come to the decisions and perceptions of schooling. Affluent people use different ways of justifying their decisions providing and highly rating their children by emphasizing on the importance of segregations in schools. This brings out the crucial theme of the book that challenges the equality and progressiveness of school systems. The narratives also expound on the attitudes of people of different social classes.

In conclusion, this book provides an impressive account of the relationship between divergent social class structures and the disparities associated.



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