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Summary of Spe-124


This article aims at presenting methodologies for characterizing the mineralogy and geomechanical properties of Haynesville Shale.

The author basically uses the cases studies in order to show how perforating plan which is based on mineralogy and geomechanical properties which is derived from mineralogy can improve hydraulic fracture stimulation performance.


The scientists utilized the geological and well logging data to determine the zones that are more likely to fracture and which can be more productive.

From this study it was established that by use of geomechanical and geochemical logs when combined there can be a better designs of completion strategies and reduce costs.


The solution of impacting production that the author points out is by use of optimized perforation placements by use of tracer logs to indicate vertical fracture containment and production data which is to be used in providing validation of each approach.


The scientist developed a perfect correlation between the general lithology they determined from the geochemical logs and the changes in the horizontal stress from the formal model.

From this study it was established that by use of geomechanical and geochemical logs when combined there can be a better designs of completion strategies and reduce costs.


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This type of application requires logging data which is not easy to obtain.

This type of application becomes hard to use in wells with poor vertical containment of the hydraulic fracture.


This application is not tied to only this type of reservoir provided that the logging data for the same can be established


The author of this article fails to answer the questions on whether this method of using data logs is completely effective in characterizing the mineralogy and geomechanical properties

The author instead of expounding so much on the case study, should have dealt mostly on the ways to be used in characterization.



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