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Historical Analysis

Gender is the distinguishing characteristic of male and female. It is usually based on the roles played by either man, or woman in the society. The rise of the feminist movement helped in the coverage of the women history. There is a difficulty in differentiating between women's history and gender history. Gender history talks of both man and woman's history. Most of the books that are written as gender history books talks about women's history. A number of historians have published books on the history of gender. Among them is Joan Scott, a Latin America historian who started publishing gender history books in 1980s. After publication of her first book, many other historians also published their books on the same subject. However, there are some areas where publications have not been made. The first women conference was held in 1848 in the US. It was due to the emergence of other reform groups that women decided to form their own groups too. They campaigned for equal rights with men in educational sector, and rights of property ownership. Women were not allowed to vote, and it was due to feminist movement that women were allowed to vote first in 1928.Women including Virginia Woolf were among the first women who fought for women rights. She wrote a book explaining the way men had dominated over women in the world. This was the first wave of feminist movement.

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The early historians had neglected covering women history in the world. It was in 1970s that the women history was started. The rise of the feminist movement helped in the coverage of the women history. The historians in 1980s wrote articles exposing the way a woman was oppressed. They also scrutinized the way the women responded to this oppression. The second wave of feminist movement originated from Britain. Women fought hard to be given a right to vote. They also fought for cultural and social injustices. The leaders of the feminist movement in the United States included Suzan B. Anthony and Staton. Staton was by then the leader of National Woman Suffrage Association.

There is a difficulty in differentiating between women's history and gender history. Gender history talks of both man and woman's history. Most of the books that are written as gender history books talks about women's history. The early historians majored in men's history. A number of books and journals were written about men. This is because only men were in power at that period of time. Women did not have power in the society. The historical leadership books talked about men only. In the recent years, women have been empowered. The historians are shifting their concerns to women. Most books having women information are published.

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There are a number of sources that one can get historical information on gender. A journal is one of the sources. Many historians have written journals concerning different types of gender history. Journals are shorter and easier to write than books. This is one of the reasons as to why most historians use journals in giving their information. A book is another source of gender history information. However, few books have been written in this topic. This is because books are more difficult to produce. Internet is another source of this information. Most books that were written in earlier years were not put in electronic form. The books and journals do not have the same titles, but all have the information on gender history.

Joan Scott a famous historian, she wrote a lot about gender history. She is one historian who did a lot regarding this issue, and it is because of her that gender history have been established as a category in history. She wrote most books analyzing gender inequality in the world. In most part of the world, women were oppressed. George Soros, who was an extremely conservative historian, discouraged other historians from covering the gender history. This is one of the main reasons as to why gender history were not covered in Europe in the past years. However, in the recent years, most journals have been produced about gender history in Europe. Scott originated from Latin America and this is the reason as to why most of the gender history publications originated from this area. The Latin America historians encouraged the American historians to learn from them. They covered the history on culture and social people in the America.

Most of the historians from Northern Europe also pushed from the writing of the gender history. These historians included Gail Hershtter and Maria Bucur. These historians have written a number of books on this issue. Historians have also highlighted the way women are treated when employed. When women who have children are employed, they are likely to get less salary as compared to the male doing similar work. On the other hand, male with kids are likely to be paid more than other employees with no kids. Women may not be employed if they ask for more money. Unlike the men who are not depressingly affected by the same. If a man asks for an increase in salary, he will most likely get the increment unlike the women. Men in most work places work for longer hours as compared to women. This difference will hours will also bring difference in the amount paid. In hourly payment, men will get high payment.

Stanfford (2002 p. 47) states that women do labor which are less paying than those done by men are. This will lead to lesser pay for women than men. Most women prefer career, which are low paying. These careers may include education and secretarial. Men fancy careers, which has high salary like engineer and surgeon. Their compensation will differ because of the career that an individual prefers. Women are rarely hired for senior position like the management. This is because women are off the work place more than men are. This offs may consist of the maternity leave. Although in the United States, they have introduced paternity leave. However, men are given a short period of paternity leave as compared to the maternity leave the women are given. Men are preferred for administration position because there work offs are less. This is one of the reasons as to why women are not considered for well paying positions. In addition, marriage makes women less productive in work place. This is because married women have many chores at home. They are the homemakers.

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Other historians like Wang Zheng from China also struggled to show the light on gender history. He stated that there is freedom of choice. No one should be forced to do what she or he does not like. Women tend to choose family more than job. This explains why women do earn less money. Most men take jobs that may include dangerous activities. Employers often pay money to their employees including jeopardy for the dangerous work. The workers who do dangerous work are paid more than those who do tackle less dangerous work. Hence, men are paid more money since they are willing to risk their lives more than women are. Women who work in an area where most employees are men are paid more money.

There is a difficulty in differentiating between women's history and gender history. Gender history talks of both man and woman's history. Most of the books that are written as gender history books talks about women's history. Fishburne (1987 p. 89) said that early historians majored in men's history. A number of books and journals were written about men. This is because only men were in power at that period of time. Women did not have power in the society. The historical leadership books talked about men only. In the recent years, women have been empowered. The historians are shifting their concerns to women. Most books having women information are published.

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Hughes (1995 p.234) said workers who work in an area where most employees are women are paid less money. Women employees and men employees in the US who do the same work earn their salary at the ratio of women to men salary of ratio is approximately 67%. In countries where there gender is discrimination, there is high fertility. This is because most women are not busy so they are highly available. The dissimilarity in the per capita between US and other countries is because is because of gender inequality in work place. Getting rid of gender inequality may not be easy. However, the success of eliminating gender inequality will lead to higher productivity of the country. In all parts of the United States, women earn less than men do. It is because they are not represented well in government offices. In places where women positions have advanced, the speed of growth is deliberate.

According to Brenner (1997 p.421), another influential woman who fought for women rights is Betty Friedens. In her book, she expressed her dissatisfaction of the women roles in their homes. She wondered whether life for a woman was only based on raising a good family. Women were not successful professionally, and most of them were only homemakers. She did not blame women, she blamed the entire society and their believe on the woman's roles. The campaigned leaders like Carol Hanisch encouraged women to deeply focus on their own personal lives. most of the educational institutions have more men than women. This clearly shows that women are not as educated as men are. The most recent history analyses the woman strategies that have been used to enable the women get into the male dominated areas. In most institution, men are the leaders. Women act as their subordinates. This clearly shows that women have not been trusted with leadership in today's world. In the developed countries, the United States of America is leading while Korea and Japan are less affected by teenage pregnancy.

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Scott (1999 p. 65) pointed out the problems that are likely to be encountered by a girl child only. A teenage pregnancy is one of the issues. The main cause of teenage pregnancies in developing countries is poverty. The older men lure young girls by promising them an abundant life and providing them with goodies. Parents might not have enough to gather for the needs of their children. Literacy level in developing countries is low. Most children in developing countries do not go to school thus; they lack the sexuality education, which is rarely taught at home. Another cause of teenage pregnancy is early marriages. Most girls especially in the developing countries get married at a very early age.

Hall (2006 p.194) said that curiosity is one of the main causes of teenage pregnancy. Teenagers are curious to experience sex, and in the process, most of them become pregnant since they do not have enough knowledge on contraceptives. Lack of proper parental guidance is another cause of teenage pregnancy. Most parents do not talk to their children about sex. Children learn the hard way by experiencing it. Pregnancy during young age is highly risky for the child's health. Parents should take the responsibility on teaching their children on safe sex. Low rate of teenage pregnancies in the European countries is due to favorable education. This is one of the main reasons as to why gender history were not covered in Europe in the past years. However, in the recent years, most journals have been produced about gender history in Europe. Scott originated from Latin America and this is the reason as to why most of the gender history publications originated from this area. The Latin America historians encouraged the American historians to learn from them. They covered the history on culture and social people in the America.

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Although many issues regarding women have been discussed, there are areas that have not been covered. Garcia (1997 p.57) pointed out Tody Ditz an historian, who said the risk of women disappearing in worlds history is not possible. Gender history is compatible with the women history that is present. For one to understand the female ways of living, the bond between men and women must be considered. Women behavior is constantly changing. This is due to the technological changes and education. Masculinity history has well been covered. Less history, regarding females have been covered. There is still a lot to be done in this coverage. In general the historians, have managed to gender a category of history. A number of historians have published books on the history of gender. Among them is Joan Scott, a Latin America historian who started publishing gender history books in 1980s. After publication of her first book, many other historians also published their books on the same subject. However, there are some areas where publications have not been made.

The third wave of the feminist movement took place in early 1990s. This rose due to the failure of the second wave. The movement focused on the minority races that were neglected. They registered a good number of voters from those areas. So far, the feminist movement has succeeded in educating the women on their rights. In today's world, most women are in power unlike in the early days.

The fight for gender equality has succeeded in some way. Joan Scott, a Latin America historian who started publishing gender history books in 1980s. After publication of her first book, many other historians also published their books on the same subject. She is one historian who did a lot regarding this issue, and it is because of her that gender history have been established as a category in history. Meade (2006 p. 115), she wrote most books analyzing gender inequality in the world. In most part of the world, women were oppressed. George Soros, who was an extremely conservative historian, discouraged other historians from covering the gender history.

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This is one of the main reasons as to why gender history was not covered in Europe in the past years. However, in the recent years, most journals have been produced about gender history in Europe. Scott originated from Latin America, and this is the reason as to why most of the gender history publications originated from this area. The Latin America historians encouraged the American historians to learn from them. They covered the history on culture, and social people in the America. Although the historians have covered a lot, more effort is needed to ensure that the gender category in history is completely covered.


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