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About Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a terminology that has existed for many years. The definitions of the term “critical thinking” depends on a number of issues, such as, the context in which the term is applied. From my personal understanding, the term “critical thinking” can be defined as an intellectual process of conceptualizing evaluating or synthesizing facts obtained through associations, experience and observation as a benchmark for action. Critical thinking involves approaching issues with open minds and evaluating facts with absolute clarity and precision. My definition of the term “critical thinking” is not complete without the aspect of weighing ones decisions.

In as much as human beings are independent minded in nature, there must be a mechanism to determining the quality of our decisions. Decisions derived from critical thinking must be devoid of any prejudices and must conform to the laid down academic logic. Therefore, critical thinking is the type of thinking about any topic or problem, in which the person evaluates the standard of his or her reflection by meticulously reviewing and synthesizing it. Critical thinking is an absolutely independent process, it is self-moderated, self-monitored and involves personal critical thinking. It requires excellent communication strategies, as well as problem solving techniques. In as much as critical thinking requires absolute autonomy in all processes that lead to conviction or some action; there must be a formidable mechanism that commits one to overcome personal native sociocentrism and egocentrism. Critical thinking must aim at elucidating the concepts embedded in research and reconcile them with existing intellectual variables.


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In conclusion, from my point of view, the biggest challenge to critical thinking is our human nature. Personal believes, myths and misconceptions limit a person’s ability to synthesize information and draw an independent finding. Any critical thinker must reason open mindedly inside various mechanisms of thought and reconcile his or her findings with relevant criteria.



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