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In the year 1990, the mean for the sale price was at 163,780. This is a higher number compared to the year 1991 which has a mean of 153,451. Here the mean decreased. This year also had the least mean number of days. In this year still, the mean for the interior were still high but it had the least mean number of beds compared to all the other years. Year 1991had the highest mean number of beds. The mean for the bath increased between the two years, 1990 and 1991.

            In the year 1992 the mean for the sales was the highest compared to all the other years. This year also had the highest mean number of days, the same with the year1994. In this year the mean for the interior and beds decreased comparing to the preceding year while the mean for the number of baths increased compared to the year 1991.

Looking at the year 1993, the mean for the sale price dropped compared to the preceding year. This year also, the third in number of days, the mean for the interior increased compared to the year 1992 while the mean for the beds remained the same as for the preceding year as the mean for the number of baths increased


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In the year 1994, the mean for the sale price dropped compared to that of the year 1993. This year had also the highest mean number of days while the mean for the interior decreased. The mean for the number of beds was at the lowest in this year and that of the number of baths at the highest.

Standard deviation

The standard deviation for the sale price for the years 1990 and 1991 are almost the same since the difference is very tiny while that of the days, interior, bed and bath increased between the two years. In the year 1992 the standard deviation for the sale price, days, interior, bed and bath increased compared to the preceding year with that of the baths being the highest of the five years.

The year 1993 suffered a decrease in all the standard deviation values compared to the year 1992 while the year 1994 suffered a decrease in the standard deviation values of sale price, interior and bath compared to the year 1992. All the rest, that is the number of days and beds increased.


The main limitation in this analysis is the minimal deviation of the values over the years. For example, looking at the standard deviation for the number of beds throughout the five years, it is almost the same. The difference is very minimal. This makes it difficult to figure out whether the market sales were improving or not. Also, with the statistics of the 90’s, it is very difficult to predict the performance of the recent market. This is because in the day-to-day market there has been an increase in demand of consumer goods due to the high living standards.

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The year 1992 registered most of the highest values of mean and standard deviation. This was the same year that there was the highest mean number of price sales made with a mean of 189061 while the year 1993 registered the highest standard deviation value of 108140. If a bar graph of either the mean or the standard deviation was to be draw for the five years a symmetric bell shaped graph would appear. The number of counts also increased from the year 1990 to the year 1993 from 70 to 154 and then afterwards went down to 41. This would clearly show that the highest sales were made between the year 1992 and 1993.



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