The play "A Doll's House" protecting women's rights, with such a rare boldness and passion for that time, revealed the tragedy of the human soul. There are not so many actresses in the whole cinematic world that could accurately convey the essence of Nora’s spiritual experiences, her despair and a loving heart. The actress, playing such a character, undoubtedly, should be strong in spirit, a beautiful woman inside and out, as well as Nora. It would not be erroneous to say that the actress should portray the actress. Nora is an extraordinarily complicated character.
The actor who plays Helmer must show that the reputation is above all for him. Helmer is a man of grandstanding principles, but at the same time he has not the honor and decency. The actress, who plays Nora, has to feel the burden of her attitude. She should show how unbearably painful to Nora is to be in her golden cage. Nora says "I was your little skylark, your doll, which you would in future treat with doubly gentle care, because it was so brittle and fragile."("A Doll's House", 2008)
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There are three actions in the play, as well as three different Nora. The woman that the viewer sees in the second act is not the same carefree squirrel he meets at the beginning. She is still charming, but her whole soul is full of confusion and fear of the threat hanging over her. Helmer also has to suffer. He suffers only because he was left without a bird in a cage. Portraying Helmer the actor should take this into consideration.
Nora’s image combines fun and fear, child’s purity and the sad wisdom, carelessness and a profound sense of duty. All these features must be portrayed by an actress.
No one should be left untouched after the play of actors. The bitter struggle of opinions should boil around the play. One part of the spectators must stand on the Nora’s side. The other, more conservative, can blame the author in an effort to shake the foundations of marriage.
Portraying Ibsen’s characters the actors must help the viewer to feel the fragility of "doll house" that was built in place of the hearth by extremely subtle means.
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