A play is a structured literary form of theatre that is used to highlight various issues in society. An essay is a structured written presentation about an issue, while a poem is a literal presentation of ideas using various styles such as repetition. Reading a play relating to sexual violence against women is immensely different from reading the same information from an essay or a poem. A play is different from an essay or a poem, because it gives a vivid presentation of the ideas in a chronological manner, and it accommodates the reader hence facilitating understanding of the issue. Plays are beneficial because of the emotions that they pass onto the reader thus facilitating the development of serious feelings about the issue. The key drawback of using a play is the fixed structure that it follows hence leading to anxiety among readers.
This essay explicates the difference derived from reading a play relating to sexual violence against women compared to reading an essay or a poem.
Reading a play enables one empathize with the different characters as they undergo the sexual violence tribulations. This is a different feeling from reading a poem or an essay that has no characters. A reader will experience a difference as he will be able to associate indirectly and empathize with the different characters presented in the play that he would be reading. This facilitates an in-depth understanding compared to reading an essay or a poem. Various tribulations relating to sexual violence that are undergone by the characters give the reader more energy to read on and understand the negativity of sexual violence. Nottage asserts that some of the women were raped as their children helplessly watched (Nottage, 76). This assertion would likely foster positive change among readers who could be otherwise bored with reading essays or poems. It must be noted that a play gives an individual an opportunity to participate in the cast. The reader will also get the same opportunity and participate in the necessary areas and, as a result, experience similar feelings to those felt by the characters in the play. Therefore, reading a play is different from reading a poem or an essay, because it promotes the vivid understanding and involvement of the reader in the.
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A written play on sexual violence against women is different from a poem or an essay because of the logical structure that it follows. A play is always written in a certain fixed structure that promotes its flow. It is arranged in a manner that introduces the issue of sexual violence to the characters, proceeds to the conflict and an ultimate solution. For instance, Nottage points out that the civil war in Congo led to the sexual violence against innocent Congolese women (Nottage, 93). This shows the logical structure in which the play is organized compared to a play or a poem that would present the issue directly without taking into consideration many details relating to its introduction. Therefore, reading a play differs from a play or a poem because of the logical structure in which ideas are presented. This structure enables a reader to follow the storyline and ultimately understand the entire issue of sexual violence against women. A reader would be more motivated to read a play because of its structure hence facilitating an in-depth understanding and fight against the sexual violence against women.
The use of the play is extremely beneficial in the presentation of the issue of sexual violence against women. A play is beneficial because it has the ability to leave the reader with immense emotions compared to a poem or an essay. Accordingly, a play is made up of several characters, and each character is allocated a certain role that he is supposed to perform effectively. In the case of sexual violence against women, a play will have the oppressor and the oppressed. A reader will be able to develop a positive mind and support the elimination of the issue because of the feelings and emotions that he develops towards the oppressed. Thus, a play is beneficial, because it provides an effective nexus between a reader and the characters used in the presentation of sexual violence against women in society. This ensures that there is a change in the reader’s mind, and he is able to support the war against sexual violence compared to when reading an essay or a poem.
The key drawback of using a play to highlight the issue of sexual violence is its fixed structure. A play is not flexible, because the adopted structure has to be followed by the reader until the key concept is reached. The reader could likely stop on the way without understanding the issue that is being presented, especially in cases where the plot is also complex. The fixed structure of a play is a drawback, because some of the parts perceived as boring by the readers could be skipped hence affecting the understanding of the entire issue (Farr, 44). The skipping of most significant areas would lead to scanty understanding and feelings about the issue of sexual violence against women.
In conclusion, there are immense differences that emerge from reading a play on sexual violence against women compared to when reading the same from a play or a poem. A play has a logical structure of the issue, and it enables the reader empathizes with characters through his involvement in the issue. These differences are significant in the facilitation of an in-depth understanding of the issue among readers. Furthermore, a play is beneficial because of the emotions and feelings it leaves among readers. The key drawback of a play is its fixed structure that could not be altered easily.
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