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Virtual Devices

The development of simulation led to a revolution of sporting arena. Technology has developed ways in which a human being interested in baseball can enjoy it from the comfort of his/her home. In the recently developed simulation of baseball, more than five players can participate in the game. The records will be displayed by the inbuilt speed gun which gives the speed of pitching. The game is categorized into different levels. The training level is the lowest with the contest ranking being the highest.

EST 2000 is a simulator that is used in military training camps. The operator must not be a soldier. The weapon used is a fake replica of the original weapon. These guns give a realistic training in the simulator. The sound produced by the replica is like real. Pointing the gun at the screen and shooting helps the soldiers in improving skills of marksmanship (Clark N. Quinn).

The simulators have valuable advantages to the amateur soldiers and baseball players. From the beginning, trainers make use of simulators to introduce new players and recruits. In the police and army training, an EST 2000 will be used to train new recruits. The VST baseball simulator in the game of baseball makes use of the small space available in the pitch. One of the advantage is that it is less expensive than building a whole training field.


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The price of VST baseball simulator can be only affordable to the elite group of citizens. The price of $6000 is not affordable to the middle class. VST baseball simulator can be purchased by any citizen who can afford it. For the EST 2000, the price cannot be mentioned as it is used mostly by the military. The design and target users are the military.



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