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Things To Improve On E-Texts

With improvement in technology, E- texts have easily replaced printed textbooks and other learning materials. E texts are easily adapted into school curriculums because they are efficient to use, access, and affordable. E texts are easy to use by students with special needs as they can be easily changed fro text to speech using readily available soft wares. E text oversight committees within institutions must therefore explores mechanisms through which the E texts can be rendered accessible, affordable and easy for use.

Card copy text books can be easily highlighted during revisions. Most E- text books lack the highlighting capabilities, making it hard for students to make notes as they read through. Besides, the E text might be time consuming when searching for information as students are compelled to scroll up and down the entire text. Some students have experienced problems when reading whereby while reading a certain section of the book, the E reader gets back to the book cover; making it hard and time consuming for student to locate the page they were reading.


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E texts accessed from sites are not convenient for use when student has no access to internet. Therefore, the committee should look into the matter to allow students the opportunity to down load and save texts for use when away from the internet. E texts are mainly accessed over the computer; students who lack computer access at home lack the chance to access the texts when away from school. The oversight committee should look into the issue by allowing students to save and print part of the books that they might use when away from their computers. Besides, mobile version can be created for students to access through smart phones. This will enable students to revise even when way from home or school.

Students desire that the E text be rendered easy for background and text color formatting. The light blue font color is unsuitable for long time reading, therefore the font color should be changed to a more bold and vibrant color to prevent eyes form tiring easily. The oversight committee is therefore implored to look at the interface visibility to enable students read comfortably without straining. The current E text versions have poor visibility resulting in straining of eyes. Some E texts have proved cumbersome to readers as some lines are too long and tough to concentrate on especially when scrolling up and down. Better search and indexing tools should be made available to enable easier access to information without scrolling up and down.

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Technological disadvantages render some e texts unavailable for all students. E texts that require certain software for access are disadvantageous to students who may lack access to the software. E texts that demand for compatible software that is not available is as useless. E texts require that a student have access to computer, power, internet and in some cases compatible software, these obstacles are not experienced when handling hard copy text book. The oversight committee should therefore look into the issue and avail e texts that do not require hard to find software. E texts lack reliable life span because damage to computer result in loss of the entire text. The oversight committee should therefore avail texts that students are able to down and print in case any eventuality. Besides, the committee should provide mechanism through which the E texts can be stored and replace on the computer in case of any damage or loss.



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