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CRM Technologies

Customer relationship management or CRM is software application for companies which is “designed to automatecustomer interaction strategies,in particular, to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service” (Telecom CRM By Forum Mobile, 2012).

The CRM software sector is one of the fastest growing segments of the computer software industries. Competition among companies providing CRM solutions is incredibly high. Microsoft,, NetSuite, Oracle and Sugar CRM are the key players in this market.

VTiger is a private corporation with offices in India and USA. It targets medium-sized and small enterprises and fully implements the philosophy of open source. VTiger CRM is built on a “proven, fast and reliable LAMP / WAMP (Linux / Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) technology” (Iovsoft.hypermart, 2010). Other companies providing CRM solutions require from their clients to pay for technical support and marketing. However, VTiger provides its customers with low support and customization costs. Operational unit of the system provides storage of customers’ data and history of interaction with the clients. VTiger CRM automates almost all the routine operations. The company offers 15 days of free trial for new clients. Then everyone can access all modules and capabilities listed on Support Solutions, Marketing Solutions, Sales Solutions, and pages only for $12 per month. “There are no hidden fees or pricing tires” (VTiger CRM on Demand Overview, 2012).


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VTiger CRM has distinctive benefits as, “sales force automation, marketing automation, support management, security management, inventory management, activity management (VTiger CRM on Demand Overview, 2012). Therefore, this software is extremely popular among small and medium-sized enterprises all around the world. Over2 millioncopies ofVTigerCRM have been downloaded so far. The company hires the best developers and supports a variety of languages. Among the clients of VTiger CRM are NYSE Euronext, German Postbank, Aegon USA, Datentechnik, Nokia, Eon Products Data HQ Limited (UK) and others.



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