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Resolsution Protocol

The address resolsution protocol is a lower level TCP/IP protocol that is used for obtaining node’s physical address, when all that is known as its logical IP address. The request from the APR is broadcasted into the network, then the node with the IP address responds by replying the address request message with the hardware address.

Address resolution protocol is a requirement in the TCP/IP standard that is defined in the RFS 826. ARP basically resolves the IP address that is used by TCP/IP based software to obtain the access control media addresses that are used by LAN hardwares. It provises two protocol services to hosts that are located in the same physical network.

ARP obtains the media access control address using a network broadcast request by addressing the querry on the media access control address for a device that is configured with an enclosed IP address. When this querry is sresolved, the sender of the ARP replys. The device that requested the APR records both IP addresses and also the media access control addresses. This serves as an entry in the local table that is reffered to as the APR cache for referencing in the future.

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Media Access Control address

Abbreviated with a short code as MAC address, media access control address is a physical hardware address that gives each node in the network a unique identity. The data link control layer or the DLC layer is one of the OSI reference models and it is divided into sublayers that are the logical link control (LLC), layer and the MAC layer, which interfaces directly with the network medium. However, each medium in the network requires a unique and different MAC layer. For the networks that are not comformed with the IEEE 802 standards, or the OSI reference model, their node addresses are reffered to as the Data Link Control Addresses (DLC)

Fast Ethernet

Fast Ethernet is the most ideal version of networking standard that can support data transfer rates of upto one hundred megabits per second (100Mbps). This is an improvement from the old Ethernet standard that transmits ata arate of 100BASE-T. The newer version of the fast Ethernet is ten times faster, and therefore, ideal for this office network cconnections.

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This version of Ethernet will reduce per unit pricing and increase the bandwidth capacity. This will also increase the bandwidth available to each desktop in the workplace, and  at the same time reduce the cost to transmit data across the network.

Operating System

The network operating system is the controlling software in the LAN, such as Netware or UNIX, Windows NT. The software is installed and resides on the server. An extension of a component part of the network operating system resides in the individual workstation. This allows the application to write and read data from the centralized server as if it is on the local machine.

The network discovery method will be used to configure the manager 2007. The topology, client operating system, and the client options will be selected. Routers, potential clients, subrooters and their operating systems will be discovered and stored in the configuration manager site database.

Domain Name System

DNS network service translates a website's name to its Internet address. This is basically a software that allows the user to  locate computers that are on the internet by the domain names. The DNS server contains and maintains a database with domain names or the host names with their corresponding IP addresses . For instance, if www.mysmallofice.com are presented to the DNS server, an IP address of the form, will be returned.

Dynamic Host Control Protocol

This is a software that automatically assigns an IP address to  client stations that are logged into a TCP/IP network. This eliminates chances of manually assigning the IP address permanently. The DHCP software is run in servers and also in the other network devices, like the ISDN routers and in the modem routers, that allow multiple users access point to the internet. After making the assignments, the newer DHCP servers automatically updates the DNS server dynamically, after making the assignments

Web Browser

This is a program that will serve as the front end to the World Wide Web (www) on the Internet. This is a software or an application that will run in each of the particular workstations. The main purpose of the Web browser is to retrieve, locate, and display contents on the www including the Web pages, images, videos and other files necessary  over the Internet. In the client server model, the browser can be refered to as the client that run on a computer and contacts the Web server requesting for the information. In response, the Web server replys back the information to the Web browser, which consequently displays the results on the computer that supports a Web browser.

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To match the current technology in networking, the workstations in the small office needs a browser that can fully function, interpret and display applications, HTML Web pages, Javascript, AJAX, and other contents that are hosted on Web server. The browser needs also to offer plugins, which will extend the capabilities of a browser to enable it run and display multi media information . this will enable the users to perform tasks like video conferencing, and also add anti phissing filters together with other security features into their browsers.

The most popular browsers that can be availed to the users are the Firefox and the Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Crome, Opera, or the Apple Safari. The browsers will be used to access information from the Web, and also to access information hosted by the Web servers in the private networks.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a communication protocol that is used to connect the users to the servers on the World Wide Web. Its major function is to accomplish a connection with the Web server and to transmit the HTML pages to the client browser. Addresses of Web site starts with an http:// prefix. However, Web browsers are default to the HTTP protocol for instance, typing www.google.com will be the same as typing http://www.google.com .

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Transport Layer Security

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that provides privacy between two or more communicating applications, and also to their users on the Internet. Whenever the client and the server communicate, TLS guarantees that a third party cannot trespass or tamper with data or the information in transit. It is a successor of the secure socket layer and is composed of  two layers; theTLS  Handshake Protocol and the TLS record Protocol. The connection security is provided by the TLS record protocol  through data encryption. One of the encryption method used is the Data Encryption Standard (DES). The TLS handshake protocol allows the client and the server to authenticate each other through a negociated encryption algorithm befor the exchange of data takes place


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