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Pre-Planning Inventory

Occupational safety is paramount in any working environment. In his studies, “Effective training: A case study from the oil and gas industry” Eliane postulates how culture can be used to evaluate workers and train them accordingly. He establishes some of the dominant cultures and how they affect employees in the job place (Cullen, 2001). Virtually, culture can be used to describe the nature of social structures and practices that an individual engages in. The dominant culture at the work place may not favor everybody. Thus, when conducting training, it is important for the concerned organization to ensure that all workers are included.

NIOSH was determined to carry out an ethnographic study of the culture of oil and gas employees. Culture normally defines workers of a particular organization. Thus, values, norms and practices that workers engage in should create an enabling environment and ensure that everybody is safe (Cullen, 2001). During the study of the worker’s culture at oil and gas, various steps were taken to ensure that “The Full Scope Evaluation Pre-Planning Inventory” was implemented effectively (Health and Safety Executive, 2009). Therefore, we first created a well-organized plan. This was important, as it enabled us to gather information in response to our major topics of the study.

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Normally, safety training is deemed as a way of educating new employees on various work hazards. Moreover, the training convinces all concerned employees to act safely in their line of duty. Oil and gas workers, especially those involved in extraction and production, have different work cultures to share (Ladou, 2006). Thus, we considered the story telling as an excellent tool for evaluating workers’ cultures. The main goal of the study was to create more understanding of the culture of oil and gas drillers. Moreover, the study intended to establish a training that is safe and healthy.

The organization was ready for training. For instance, the organization first addressed various cultures and their importance in the work place (Yiftachel, 1995). Training workers was intended to enlighten the new employees on the safety measures at work area and how they can be practiced. However, the management could have done more planning to make the study more effective (Cullen, 2001). In this case, management could have taken the role of training the new employees, as well as stressing the need of adhering to the safety measures, while extracting and producing oil. Moreover, apart from story telling to determine the culture at work place, they could have interviewed some workers to get their point of view.

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The training was effective. Firstly, the organization was aware of that no organization can exist without culture. This enables workers to elicit their feelings, actions to be taken, as well as how to go about something (Freeman, 2004). Thus, by addressing issues related to culture at the place of work, they were able to address issues affecting the workers, especially on how to enhance their safety. Therefore, the health training was highly accepted by the majority of workers. Moreover, the nature of training enabled the workers to memorize it for long. As a result, they would be in a position to think and act appropriately, while dealing with health hazards in future. The effectiveness of the training is characterized by the fact that new training videos were provided for the high risk workers in the oil and gas extraction industry (Cullen, 2001). Through the provision of videos, workers would be able to observe the health hazards regularly. This would result in the decreased number of injuries and damages witnessed.

The organization should evaluate its program of conducting. Despite the fact that the training program was able to convince the workers to be more careful in their course of duty, there is a need for further evaluation (Roughton, 2002). The culture of employees is dynamic. It tends to change their perception toward something depending on the prevailing condition. Thus, evaluation of the program will make it possible for the organization to make the necessary changes, in order to meet the needs of those affected. Training workers on safety and health issues is crucial. Thus, regular evaluation of the program is necessary. This could be achieved through conducting research on the changing culture of the employees. In the case of oil and gas extraction it entailed the use of the culture of employees and training the new recruits on health hazards and how to avoid them, while in their course of duty (Freeman, 2004). Prior to implementation of any evaluation, it is vital to ensure that the organization is ready. This can be achieved through planning, as well as training the employees who form an important part of any evaluation (Ladou, 2006). In order to develop culturally relevant materials that will generally be endorsed by the workers, the organization must involve the workers in the development of a well-trained workforce. Evaluation of the plan acts as a guarantee that it is indeed working.

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In conclusion, cultures are important, as they enable workers to exercise some degree of control in the work place. Through understanding the worker’s culture, training is easily achieved and implemented effectively. Normally, workers in the mining industry experience a lot of health hazards. Lack of proper training on how to adhere to safety standards makes them continuously be exposed to injuries.


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