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Impact of Mobile Phones on Society

Over the past few decades the progress of modern civilization has achieved truly incredible proportions. Countless experts work in this field, in order to invent new uses for resources as well as try to reveal the new ways to access information and different data. It was impossible to imagine that one could keep in touch with any person in any part of the globe in the mid-20th century. Speaking about high level of the development of IT, one should speak about the invention of the mobile phone. Cell phones are quickly implemented in the daily life. Millions of people every day use cellular phones that have made a significant impact on people's lives and have become a fixture of modern man. Among those who talk on a cell phone nowadays one can find not only business people but also housewives and children. It is used everywhere, from subways to restrooms. There is no need to argue that mobile phones have changed the world and become one of the most popular life-improving inventions. These small devices help most people stay in touch 24 hours a day. They changed the way of communication, and the concept of "being in touch" has undergone substantial change. Nevertheless, it has both positive and negative effects.


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The global economy is controlled via the Internet and mobile communications. They improve living conditions of all people. The high pace of life requires from people to increase the attention they pay to any event, it makes it necessary to be always connected and have a faithful assistant by hand. Considering all this, one can conclude that all of humanity is held captive by the Internet and new technologies. Mobile phone in man's life is irreplaceable assistant; it gives the benefit to those who value their time and who is not ready to spend it in vain.

Saving time and money is an obvious benefit of the mobile phone. First of all, a person can use the phone in situations where any help is needed. It is much easier to call an ambulance using a portable phone. Besides, now it is easy to stay in touch with people wherever they are and it means to have a possibility to pay enough attention to them. For parents it is easier to look after their children. Another noteworthy point is that with the help of mobile phones it has become easier to conduct a business. Using of a cell phone one is able to negotiate, to reach an agreement with the partners at any time and in any place. Originally cell phones were available only for the rich people and top businessmen. Today, almost every second human on the planet is a mobile phone user. It is hard to believe that, by the end of 1990, there were only 11 million cellular subscribers in the whole world.

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Too frequent pastime spending on the Internet and the use of different gadgets create the illusion of a happy life, but, unfortunately, do not solve psychological problems. Mobile addiction is a human condition in which the phone is becoming the subject of worship; people unconsciously call, not realizing their actions, without explaining the cause. They believe that mobile phone is the most vital part of their existence. Phone user is always in anticipation of a call or SMS, always clicks his cell phone to check missed calls and strangers SMS.

Some people mistakenly believe that their status depends on the model of the phone or the cost of the device. These people suffer from inferiority, inadequacy, self-doubt and other types of poorly-formed personality disorders. Constant renewal of mobile phone helps a person to assert himself. Psychologists created a portrait of the technological addict. They think it is a vulnerable introvert, who suffers from phobias, is self-doubt and, therefore, is looking for secure communication. Both children and adolescents are dependent on the cellular phone more than the others. Instead of being able to communicate personally, they get used to impersonal communication. This, in turn, can lead to the exclusion in society.

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There are no conclusive evidences that cell phones are damaging to health, including some connections to cancer. Some scientists try to prove that the voluntary ray treatment of the brain by microwaves of mobile phone is the largest biological experiment on man. Taking this into account, one can conclude that technology can destroy the quality of life with undesirable effects. With this in mind, it should be said that there are unanswered questions regarding the safety from negative effects of mobile phones use. It is impossible to argue that speaking on the mobile phone while driving significantly influences the number of of traffic accidents.

This positive trend is the medal with two sides, one of which is the reliable way of communication that allows one to be always connected and the other is the fact that some people are completely dependent on the chipset. Psychologists even have thought up the term ”mobile dependence“, “SMS-mania”. Such diagnosis is made along with drug addiction, alcoholism and other addictions and is treated in special clinics.

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In conclusion, it should be said that modern technology has become increasingly precious for the ordinary people and are simply an integral part of their lives. However, one can not say that such progress is a negative phenomenon and there is no benefit for society, because all sorts of technology, sophisticated software, wireless and other incomprehensible to ordinary people things are created solely for the purpose to simplify and improve the life of everyone.

The mobile phone has become one of the most omnipresent communications devices within the past decade. The rapid adoption of the cell phone can be explained by many factors, including declining costs, increased portability, value-added services and subsidized subscriptions. One should not forget that man is a free and rational being. Technology is just a tool and people use tools only to improve their lives



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