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Working with Families

Working with families is an issue that needs keen understanding. It entails working with parents and a person undertaking such a role has to be aware of the parents’ roles. Stressful conditions require keen attention as they involve the entire family. Communication acts as the main challenge when dealing with parents depending on the level of animosity that brings up conflict in a family. Thus, experience is necessary for a person working with parents.

This paper expounds on required skills and challenges likely to be faced when working with parents.

My potential skill in dealing with families is patience and understanding since dealing with families makes a person come across problems that one can consider as being weird. In addition, I understand parenting roles, which are essential in dealing with families.

The significant challenge is posed by lack of communication in a family. Garfat (2004) asserts that a lack of communication poses a significant barrier and needs to be solved before continuing to help the family. Lack of knowledge regarding a family’s cultural background also poses a risk.

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Understanding parenting roles is essential when working with families. Congress & González (2005) observe that a person who lacks knowledge regarding parenting roles is not ready to work with families. Thus, understanding parenting roles coupled with remarkable communication skills will enable me to work out issues with families.

The lack of utter understanding regarding parenting roles is the experience I need to work on. Pequegnat & Szapocznik (2000) indicate that the knowledge regarding parenting roles is essential as many problems regarding families emanate from roles supposed to be done by couples.

In conclusion, working with families is a challenging task that requires a person to have certain skills and experiences. Such skills include patience, understanding and communication. The knowledge regarding parenting roles is also essential as many of the problems emanate from a lack of understanding between couples regarding their parenting roles.


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