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Women Should Have a Choice

Pro-life is supporting the legal rights of women that bestow them with a right to decide whether to continue a pregnancy or terminate it under different circumstances. Recently, abortion has been a major debate worldwide as some countries support it while others have totally banned the procedure. Notably, some countries have gone ahead and legalized abortion by all means. Arguably, pro-choice say that the fetus is not a human being and; thus, does not have the right like other humans especially in situations that place the mother is in danger. Despite the fact that some women terminate the pregnancies due to medical shortcomings, others do it intentionally because of fear of responsibility. Those who are pro-choice table issues like women who are raped or sexually violated should not be allowed to carry the pregnancy. A 1973 case in the US pitting Roe v. Wade indicates a step towards the pro-choice getting support as the case was decided that the right to decide whether to abort rests with a woman although it should not violate State law and it should on only be in cases where the mother’s life is endangered. This essay explicates why proc-choice should be legal and avails pro-life’s counter arguments.

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Pro-Choice Legality

Notably, there have been debates of whether abortion should be legal or not. Those who are against it are usually referred to as pro-life and those who are for it are pro-choice. The pro-choice has explicated various reasons why abortion should be legal or why the women should posses the right to chose to carry or terminate the pregnancy. This essay will be focusing exclusively on the pro-choice points.

Firstly, the pro-choice argue that the woman is more important than the fetus (Belter 66). This usually happens when the woman’s life is endangered and she has an option of terminating the pregnancy or she loses her life. Regarding that, the pro-choice believe it is better for the woman to terminate the pregnancy instead of keeping it and her life is in danger. However, the pro-life argue that the woman is not important than the fetus because all of them are human beings and have right to live. In addition, life begins at conception and that means that the fetus too is a human being. The pro-choice think this argument underrates the women and they are not valued.

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Secondly, abortion should be legal because laws against abortion kill women. There are many countries that have banned abortion, but this does not mean that the women keep the pregnancies. The women still terminate pregnancies although they do it in secretive and dangerous ways. The laws against abortion make women shy away from seeking professional advice or assistance when they want to terminate pregnancies since it is illegal (Chapman 101). As a result, they carry out abortions secretly with people who do not understand the process well leading to disorders or even death. Cases of women who have died while undergoing abortion have been on the rise in countries that abortion is illegal. This is why the pro-choice think abortion should be legal because the women will not die while undergoing secretive and dangerous abortion. Instead, making it legal means women will openly approach professionals and carry out safe abortions that will not affect them.

Thirdly, there are cases of rape, incest or other tragic incidence that would lead to unwanted pregnancies. Certainly, there are a times that tragic events happen leading to unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. One of these is rape. A woman can be raped and get impregnated by a person she does not even know. This is what is termed as unwanted pregnancy and it will affect both the mother and the child later on if she carries it to delivery. When the women are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies, this leads to unwanted children and it is common sense that unwanted children undergo brutality like negligence, abandonment suffering because of lack of care. These are sensitive issues that a child should not undergo because the issues will affect him/her even in adulthood. If a child grows in such an environment, he/she will most likely become brutal too just the way they were brought up. The best option to avoid such cases is legalization of abortion so that the women can terminate such pregnancies. Contrary to that, the pro-life think this is not the best option because even if it was an unwanted pregnancy, it was not the fault of the child. The pro-life assert that proper medical care for the affected women would ensure they do not get pregnant and; thus, there will be nothing to do with abortion.

Moreover, some pregnancies can lead to tension and family break ups because of taboos. In most parts of the world, incest is a taboo. Incest is being involved sexually with a person who is a relative. Accidents may happen and a woman gets pregnant. Regarding this, if the woman is forced to carry the pregnancy, it would be dangerous and bring tension between the family members because it is against traditions. Most traditions state that on such a case, abortion is the best option followed by a ritual of cleansing the victims. On the other hand, the pro-life state that abortion is not the best option (Munson 20). Pro-life believe that sexual education is vital especially among the teens. The youth should be educated about responsible sexual behaviors to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

The pro-choice state that the women have their rights. Just like their male counterparts, the women too have the rights to control their bodies. This means that the woman has the right to decide when to get pregnant and when to terminate the pregnancy. A democratic government and a sovereign state should not give women some rights and deny them the others. Pro-choice argue that if the government can force a woman to carry pregnancy, what about forcing them to take contraceptives or sterilization. However, the pro-life point differs from this as they support a ban of abortion. They argue that the women and human beings in general cannot be granted all the rights in their hands. The women claiming to be given the right of abortion are is tantamount to fighting for a right to kill. Abortion is like murder because life begins at conception.

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Abortion should be legal in order to consider the teenage mothers. There are many young girls who become mothers at a young age when they cannot support themselves; thus, suffer as a result of miserable lives. These young women should be allowed to abort so that they cannot face a harsher life. Notably, when a girl gets pregnant, she has to drop out of school so that she can fend for the baby. When the baby is born, they would lack proper parental care because the mother is young and not experienced. Additionally, teenage mothers are usually rejected by their parents and the community at large as they are viewed as failures that do not have a bright future. Rejection and judgment mostly foresee them even end up being divorced. However, this point does not make a lot of sense to the pro-life who think sexual education is the best weapon to fight this.

Lastly, becoming a mother is just another option for a woman. It is the women who carry and bear the children and this makes them decide when they should give birth and be mothers (Page 39). The pro-choice states that the women have the right of deciding on which direction their lives should take. Additionally, many political and economic rights have been fought and won by the women. However, it would not be meaningful if they have achieved all that and then they are denied reproduction rights. The governments have to consider that and let them decide when they want to have children. The pro-life however are strongly against that. Firstly, they hold on their point that abortion is a sin and it should not be anyone’s right. Secondly, the pro-life state that the women should make proper use of contraceptives if they truly want to decide when they want to be mothers. Arguably, it is meaningless for the women to claim they have to decide when they want to be mothers and they get involved in unprotected sex.

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In conclusion, Pro-choice is supporting the legal rights of women that give them a right to decide whether to continue a pregnancy or terminate it under different circumstances. Contrary, pro-life is the support of a ban on abortion. Recently, abortion has been a major debate worldwide as other countries support it while others are against it. The pro-choice have several reasons why they support abortion. Notably, the pro-choice argue that the woman is more important than the fetus. This usually happens when the woman’s life is endangered and it is either she terminates the pregnancy or she dies. However, the pro-life argue that a woman is not important than the fetus because all of them are human beings and have right to live. They add that life begins at conception and that means that the fetus too is a human being. Additionally, the pro-choice state that the women have their rights. Just like their male counterparts, the women too have the rights to control their bodies. This means that the woman has the right to decide when to get pregnant and when to terminate the pregnancy.


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