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War Causes More Suffering for Women

War is a word that reminds humankind suffering, pain, and sorrow. Many have lost their beloved persons as a result of war. People experience moral and physical pain taking part in war actions or living in circumstances of military time. The war has caused grievous harm to innocent children, men, and women. Many women have become widows and suffered from being raped. Children have lost their parents. The paper aims at finding arguments to refute the statement that war causes more suffering for women. It analyzes three articles in the field of social sciences to support the aim of paper.

Women are regarded as weak sex, who cannot participate in leadership. However, according to Gbowee, Laureate, in her article “Liberia Has Serious Leadership Gap."," it is a wrong statement because women are strong during war. The author has written about experience of women who showed their bravery and courage while participating in peace-building work. According to Laureate, many women are competing with men in the battlefield, and as such, emerging winners.  The author gave an example of Gbowee who emerged as a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2001.  Therefore, the article reveals that women have evolved to stand up for themselves and fight for peace and security. Laureate outlines that women have shown minimal fear while forming the Liberian Mass Action for Peace and behaved like rattlesnakes that bite being attacked.

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During the war, in Liberia, women showed how strong they are by leading protests during turbulent times. Women’s knowledge in war helped to bring about reconciliation in Liberia. According to Gbowee, women were instrumental in bringing peace in their own nations despite being war's main victims.

Laureate Gbowee argued that such women should be empowered to take care of themselves during turbulent times. According to Gbowee, women should walk beside men. It is evident that women have acquired the same knowledge as men and can work in any field despite the harsh conditions. Even though, Laureate emphasized that women could be trusted with war, men felt that women could not be relied on during this crucial time.

Conclusively, Laureate outlines that there exists an unyielding leadership gap between men and women. Laureate however, pointed out that women are not prepared for meaningful roles in the society. She stressed that women should be empowered and inspired, in order to realize their full potential. By emerging as a Nobel Prize winner, Gbowee proved beyond doubt that women are strong during the war. They can control their feelings and adapt to different even tragic situations.

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Women have been rated to be at the same pace with men. According to Laura Yao., women have been denied the respect to work in the military. This has sparked mixed reactions between various male and female politicians. Laura claims that women have gained the ability of understanding and knowledge to fight alongside men. This author claims that women can get many leading positions in various sectors. Laura further argues that it is the right time that men accept the fact that women have started gaining knowledge and can compete with men in different spheres. However, this has been rejected by men who fear that women cannot succeed in war despite the proven facts. According to Laura, women have gained general knowledge of combat and won numerous medals. However, this has brought controversies. According to the studies, this aspect causes women to be more masculine. With this regards, many women have adorned masculinity as they chase ambition. As stated by Laura, women are not afraid to fight at the forefront during the war. They are ready to experience suffering and pain as men do.

Studies also reveal that women do compete effectively in military sector. This aspect has opted for different organizations to retrench them. A research, which was done by Elizabeth Varon, indicates that women have a significant contribution during civil wars. According to Varon, women can actively participate in war like their male counterparts. Elizabeth Varon, in her studies, argued that women were able to maintain their disguises during the American civil war. According to her, female soldiers should be respected because they are a dominant force. As such, they should not be discouraged to participate in war. The involvement of women in military duties demonstrates that women yearn for glory, and have a desire to reunite with their family members.

Bowers Faye, in his article, argued that women should be considered for military jobs. Faye explains that the number of female soldiers in the active military have risen during the last two decades. For instance, more women soldiers were deployed during the United States invasion of Iraq in 2003. Faye argues that thousands of female soldiers left behind their relatives and jobs, and joined men in the battlefield. According to Faye, women can balance family and military roles. Faye further pointed out that women’s knowledge in the battlefield cannot be underestimated despite the higher probability of woman to be killed during military actions compared to their male counterpart.

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Conclusively, Faye has outlined that women's roles have become extensive, and they have been on the front line during war assisting man to get victory.


Analyzed arguments of researchers have proved the fact that women are not weaker than men. They are strong to overcome suffering, pain and even assist men during military actions.


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