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Social Human Beings

Sociology as a discipline is the study of how human beings associate with each other in life. People in the society are unique in their own way. Due to this, each person has a different view towards life but the ultimate goal is everybody succeeding. The social ladder is never uniform so people in different social classes cohabit in making ends meet. Therefore sociology compares the relationship between people in different social classes.

When sociological concepts and theories are applied fully in life, people live in harmony, peace and love. It has been assumed that people who are better off in the society don’t associate well with those who have not been lucky. Applying sociological concepts will bring these two groups together. Sociology helps people in a community work together in achieving their goals. These projects boost the community’s perspective towards life.

Gender is taken differently in differently in different communities. In the recent past, many communities have preferred a boy child to as compared to the girl child. Times when people used to think that a male gender is better in the society and that a girl child has no use in the society have passed. Dissemination of sociological concepts in many societies has seen them give every child equal chances in the society. This has seen the number of school going girls increase and this has made the society better and better each day.

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Sociology comes with expertise on board. This lays down strong structures for relationship growth. Sociology goes down the lane to instill workplace open communication and cooperation. In his work, Corey Dolgon applied sociology in fostering alliance and identification which was aimed at breaking racial limits during the strike at the Long Island University.

A person with sociological attributes is able to relate and work with all people across the board without difficulty. He plays a link between ordinary people and the top professionals, because he understands the needs of both sides. Due to their ability to concentrate on basic principles in sociology, they create a positive and healthy relationship among communities. Thus, their wide experience plays a big role in many social settings. All this is illustrated with their know-how in marriage and parenting. The sociologists view on marriage tries to break the bond created by relationship myths that marriage is a lifetime agreement. On this, the sociologists view marriage as a hurting route in life. A sociologist, William Wagner comes with a fresh breath to sociology. He offers new avenues for a clear and comprehensive understanding. He prefers an open discussion on societal vices like drug abuse and premarital sex.

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Values of cultural diversity, two cultural perspectives of cultural relativism and ethnocentrism and how they affect on cultural variation

The world as a whole has become a global village. People from different races and varying cultures are now settling together. The diverse cultures have led to societal interaction and relationships. Some are in good taste while others bring hatred among these communities. Mutual relationships among communities can be attained by people appreciating and respecting other people’s cultures. Ethnocentrism is brought about by one group cultivating unconstructive attitude towards people of other cultures. To achieve a successful coexistence, people will have to accommodate a mutually positive approach to cultural relativity. Applying sociology will enable laying down a route that will enable people move from a negative approach to a positive view towards people from different cultures.

Sociology faces a stiff challenge that makes it difficult to be embraced. It is argued that relativism towards cultures is a threat to ethical beliefs of a given ethnic group. Ethicists have a strong belief that the morals and behaviors of an ethnic group widely vary from one group to another and there can’t be a level, where they are accepted universally across all cultures. They go on by stating that, if there is no book that eternally sets the rules then the difference between the right and wrong is the same-that anything you do in the social circle whether in support or against cultural relativity can pass the test.


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