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Same-Sex Marriage Problem

Same-sex marriage refers to a marriage between two individuals of the same sexual orientation. The entire issue of same-sex marriage has elicited immense debate all over the globe as individuals give varying opinions on the authenticity of same-sex marriages. Personally, I do not support same-sex marriage because it contravenes religious teachings. Additionally, same-sex marriage is undesirable, because it would lead to polygamy, and it, in turn, would lead to increased divorces in heterosexual marriages. On the other hand, those in support of gay marriage assert that everyone has a right to decide whom to marry, and these rights are enshrined in the Constitution. Proponents of same-sex marriage are also of the opinion that this marriage would enhance the adoption of many children from care centers hence reducing the burden for the government.

Same-sex marriage remains a controversial issue that I am full opposed to because of much negativity it poses. However, some people still feel that same-sex marriage is a practice of the rights enshrined in the Constitution.

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Argument against Same Sex Marriage

First, same-sex marriage is undesirable, because it contravenes religious teachings concerning the traditional form of marriage. It is conventional knowledge that a marriage is supposed to take place between a man and a woman. All past readings on religion indicate that a man was created and was given a woman as his companion. There is no instance where a man was given another man as a companion or a woman given another woman as a companion. This implies that same-sex marriage goes against religious teachings concerning the traditional form of marriage (Stanton and Maier 45). It destroys the entire institution of traditional marriage by bringing in new systems that are not desirable and not practicable. Additionally, same-sex marriage cannot lead to procreation as asserted in religious teachings. It is worth noting that same-sex marriage is undesirable, and effective measures should be adopted to ensure that same-sex marriages are prevented appropriately if the entire world is to live in line with religious teachings.

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Second, same-sex marriage would lead to the increased levels of polygamy that is the undesirable form of marriage. It is vital to note that the adoption of same-sex marriages would lead to the adoption of other undesirable forms of relationships including incestuous relations and bestial relations within the society. The legalization of gay marriage would bring in polygamous and other activities as individuals gain the voice to agitate for the satisfaction of their rights. This implies that the general institution of marriage would be meaningless as other undesirable elements are brought in. Polygamy and other forms of relationships such as incest would also mean that there are no strict laws providing for effective relationships on the globe. The entire systems would be difficult to manage as other movements demand for their rights in line with the legalization of same-sex marriages. Thus, this trend should be avoided by speaking against same-sex marriages within the society.

Last, same-sex marriage would lead to the increased cases of divorce in heterosexual marriages. Many individuals in heterosexual relationships would also be motivated to join the same-sex community hence leading to many divorces in the traditional form of marriage. The increased demand for same-sex marriage within the society would automatically translate to the rising rates of divorce as couples seek same-sex marriages. Increased cases of divorce in heterosexual marriages would lead to the increased cases of children abandonment (Newton 55). Some children would be abandoned because of the separation brought about by the increasing popularity of same-sex marriages within the society. The abandonment of these children would imply that the government has to spend more costs to take care of their needs and education. Again, increased cases of divorce in heterosexual marriage would erode the traditional system of marriage and replace it with an undesirable system. Therefore, same-sex marriage needs urgent termination.

Counter Argument

On the other hand, the proponents of same-sex marriage are of the view that it protects the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. Notably, they assert that everyone has a right to decide whoever to marry, whether a man or a woman. Marriage should not be dictated among individuals, but the decision to contract a marriage should be left to the individual. Those who support same-sex marriage claim that these rights are enshrined in the Constitution, and they must be respected accordingly (Snyder 45). Proponents opine that the denial of same-sex marriages among individuals is tantamount to the denial of the fundamental rights and freedoms asserted by the Constitution. They are of the view that marriages should be left to be as free as possible, and people must be left to decide on the type of marriage that would suit them best.

Additionally, the proponents of same-sex marriage believe that this form of marriage is desirable, because it would facilitate the adoption of children from care centers. According to proponents, there is a large number of children in care centers all over the US and in other parts of the globe. The government is always responsible for the provision of the basic needs of these children (Eskridge and Spedale 45). This implies that the government has to spend excessive amount of money to support these children and ensure they also achieve their dreams in the society. The adoption of same-sex marriage would be a proper solution to these problems as it would ensure that these children are adopted and provided with effective care and support in their lives. Therefore, this system must be adopted to promote the adoption of these children and support the government.

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In conclusion, same-sex marriage is undesirable, because it goes against religious teachings on an effective institution of marriage between a man and a woman. More so, same-sex marriage would lead to the increased cases of divorce in heterosexual marriages causing child abandonment. Last, same-sex marriage would lead to the emergence of other undesirable practices such as polygamy and incestuous relations. The proponents are of the view that same-sex marriages would encourage the promotion of rights and freedoms and would lead to the adoption of children in care centers hence reducing the burden of the government taking care of them. Everyone needs to take a step and speak against same-sex marriage. This is the only way this phenomenon would be discouraged in the US and other parts of the world.


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