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The Primordial Soup Theory


For about eighty years now, people assert that life began in a primordial soup of organic molecules prior to evolving out of the ocean many years later. Today claims that the chemical energy of the earth from hydrothermal vents in the ocean floor has overturned the theory of primordial soup.


The primordial soup theory claims that UV radiation provided the energy to convert, ammonia, methane and water into the first organic compounds in the oceans, in the early times of the earth. However, critics argue that no sustained driving force exists that can make anything react. As such, life cannot exist especially without a source of energy.

The second problem with the theory of primordial soup involves lack of fossil records. There exists no way of finding full evidence of the primordial soup. The first simple organisms that formed from the soup had to eat the organic soup from which they came in to being. Therefore, the soup disappeared because of that.

The next problem involves the assumption that the atmosphere of the early earth could have rich ammonia and methane gases and poor amount of oxygen. Examination carried out by geologists on rocks, within the first billion years of earth history show an evidence of oxygenated atmosphere.


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Laboratory results for the primordial soup are minimal, yet the study requires a lot of intellectual resources, to carry out the research. The pre-biotic synthesis involving subunits needed for DNA and RNA presents serious challenges, especially for ribose and cytosine. It is difficult for any single chemical to posses the required knowledge to replicate because it must know how to replicate, and know how to use energy sources to drive its own replication.


This theory poses a lot of fundamental problems when trying to understand its functionality. This has become worsened by the fact that no evidence exists that can help to understand whether the theory carries any truth.



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