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Journal: Bartholomae

Rhetoric Moves

Bartholomae clearly identifies four critical rhetorical moves, which a student learning under the university curriculum is required to learn. First, he stress on the rhetoric of invention in which he stresses that the new student needs to find his or her own operational formula that will elementally suit the academic objectives. Secondly, Bartholomae builds on the rhetoric of manipulation, which elementally borrows from the concept of acknowledging the readers assumptions and biases (Bartholomae, n.d).  Hence, through anticipation, the writer should suit his piece to his intended audience by matching personal motives and readers’ expectations. Thirdly, Bartholomae identifies the essence of basic writers to establish the existing community conventions such that these can be properly adhered to or ‘demystified’ as taught in classrooms (Bartholomae, n.d). Here he fundamentally builds on the rhetoric move of conformity to style. Lastly, Bartholomae identifies the essence of the rhetoric of the self, which elementally spurs an individual student’s imagination. Thus, he explores the application of ‘I’ in connection to imagination, thought, personal feeling, and imagination, which are fundamental aspects in the development of rhetoric.


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2) Response to Research Findings.

Bartholomae offers concise conclusion regarding the elements affecting performance, presentation, and style of a basic writers. He criticizes on the approach used to correct errors displayed by basic writers as lacking in terms of acknowledging the errors as critical developmental aspects towards a basic writer’s ‘maturity. In essence, the art of writing required by basic writer involves more that mastering the mechanics of punctuation and grammatical structures (McGrath and Spear, 1991). There is need to incorporate more distinct courses of writing that serve contextual purposes by removing the element of standardizing the art of writing. This will ensure that basic writers to find the niche of writing where they can comfortable explore their capabilities and nurture them for academic prowess. Therefore, as Bartholomae observes, striving to ensure unskilled writers display required standards seen in contemporary academic discourse is equally important in building elements of discourse. In as much as basic writers may appear as low, there is significant potential of enhancing them into distinct forms of art. 



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