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Cell Phone Distractions


Most people find it quit annoying eavesdropping on a mobile phone discussion than a physical conversation. The main reason given by many people is that they are unaware of the response from the other end of the phone. This causes a condition referred to as halfalogue, meaning that one overhears only a one side of the conversation. This in turn results to poor performance on the conscious, intellectual activities on a day-to-day basis. When a person overhears a conversation from both ends of the cell phones, then they tend not to be affected in their activities, for, they can anticipate the repository of a monologue than a halfalogue.

The interruption a person experiences when another person is on the phone also causes irritation to the audience that may require a high degree of attention to achieve a given task. So many times, people get distracted by loud ring of a phone or even a person talking loudly or just an instant sound. Unpredictable information has an enormous influence on the listening ears performing a given task than anticipated information. Because, of the fact that, the person going about their personal chores, focus all their attention to the interruptions, neglecting their concurrent duties. Distinguishing Halfalogue, monologue, and dialogue in their predictability

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When different groups of people on the same road, driving the same cars have a responsibility to be visually sharp and follow a strict form of course the person speaking on phone causes so much disturbance than the other people either talking to each other or the one addressing a gathering. This is according to the research performed by the students of South Carolina department of Psychology.

The experiment required the participants to pursue a fast running set using a mouse pointer; the circle had to be kept closest to the centre of the mouse while reading and listening to a pre-recorded script. This is a Nonverbal communication and the person performing this task list emphasis on their vision regular checking size, just like when driving on a lane of the road.

The same experiment expected to confirm the response period, with the attendants expected to keep the four letters. This was to assess their short memory length, concentrate only on the four letters and refuse to acknowledge the distraction. Asking the attendants to hold a key matching their target letters and avoid pressing a key in a different situation. If a participant missed a note or concentrated on a distraction, he would have error solution labeled with a red X. This is a verbal dexterity and reflected the attention one needs to respond to traffic lights (Westerman, 2001).

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In this study, overhearing a predictable presentation is extremely distractive and listening to a halfalogue conversation can be exceedingly detrimental to the performance of duties at the time of conversation. Listening to a monologue and dialogue words would not cause a decrease in an individual’s capacity. The examination found that speaking has a bigger demand on the mental resources than listening. The participants were exceedingly often distracted while speaking or preparing to speak than when listening. This is because a person can listen in and out of a conversation at will.


Many people around the world talk on cell phones while driving causing accidents. Many states have banned the use of driving while talking on the phone but, some people still do this behind the authority. It is up to an individual to care for their own safety because cell phones are one significant interruption and accidents causing in the world.


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