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Assessment Items

Objective 1: Understand the importance of using Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows as an application tool.

Assessment items:

Fill in the blank space with the correct answers.

Visual basic is a tool used to develop…………………………………

List five the features of visual basic……………………………………………………………….

When were the other versions of visual basic introduced………………………………………

Using the aid of a diagram, show the structure of visual basic application…………………………….

What is the application project made up of……………………………………………………..


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What are the three steps used involved in building a VB application……………………………...

What is the function of the form layout window?............................................................................

What is stop watch application?………………………………………………………………

Objective 2: Understand the Visual Basic event- concepts, technology, driven programming, and available tools.

Fill in the blank space with correct answers.

Assessment items:

Fill in the blank space with the correct answer.

What does the abbreviation BASIC mean?.................................................................................

Give examples of other programming language and state their differences……………………

State an example of assignment statement…………………………………………………………

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List the operators in the order of precedence……………………………………………………….

Objective 3: Learn the basics of implementing, distributing, and designing, a Visual Basic application.

Fill in the blank space with correct answers.

Assessment items:

What are the visual basic functions?.................................................................................................

Highlight the visual basic symbolic constants and give an example.……………………………

What is the use of branching statements in visual basic?…………………………………………

What is intercepting of unacceptable keystrokes? And show how it is done.…………………

By use of an example explain what visual basic looping is………………………………….

Develop an application that can compute a mean and standard deviation……………………

Objective 4: Learn how to use the Visual Basic toolbox.

Fill in the blank space with correct answers.

Assessment items:

What is the function of the message textbox?……………………………………………..

What is the function of command button, and show its properties………………

Highlight the functions of the shape tool……………………………………..

Objective 5: Understand suitable error handling and debugging procedures.

Fill in the blank space with correct answers.

Assessment items:

Give the different types of errors……………………………………………….

State possible ways of minimizing errors……………………………………..

Which is the best way to use error trapping?………………………………….

Objective 6: Gain a basic knowledge on management using data bounds control and database access.

Fill in the blank space with correct answers.

Assessment items:

Draw a data base structure and define all its terminology……………………………………..

ADO data control and what is its primary function?…………………………………………….

Training Assessment Visual Basic



Answer the below questions by circling the best answer.

  1. What is the format for defining a constant named PIwith a value 3.14159?
  2. Const PI = 3.14159
  3. Const pI= 3.22
  4. const PI=3.14159
  5. Rem PI=3.43527
  6. Which one among the following is an example of key trapping?
  7. Const  vbkeydecpT  = 43
  8. Const  vbKeyDecPt  =46
  9. Const vbkeydec  =3.2
  10. Const vb  =d43.87
  11. Which one is not a component of a message box?
  12. Message
  13. Type
  14. Title
  15. End
  16. Which one among the following is not a form object property?
  17. Appearance
  18. Back Color
  19. Border Style
  20. Limits
  21. Which one is not an error in visual Basic?
  22. Syntax
  23. Run-Time
  24. Real
  25. logic

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The student will be given an application question to determine if visual basic will be able to run a program with an error or without an error. The student will comment on results after running and testing the program.

Develop a program that will be able to find a mean and standard deviation. Determine the availability of an error using the debugging techniques provided in the coursework. Comment and give the type of error if found.



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