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The Leadership Quarterly

Lyonsa, J. and Tamera, S. "The effects of leadership style on stress 

Outcomes." The Leadership Quarterly

In their article Lyonsa and Tamera (2009) examined the various effects on individuals’ performance that result when some leadership styles are employed. In their study, they examined the effects that result when transformational and transactional styles of are employed by determining the performance of various individuals when assigned stressful tasks. Their study also determined whether the leadership styles could mitigate the effects of stressful tasks to improve performance. In addition, their study also examined the effects that the leadership styles had on the various participants' motivation, psychological and emotional, responses to stressful tasks. Their study also examined whether different leadership styles were unique to the tasks assigned.

Peck, Edward, Tim Freeman, and Helen Dickinson. "Performing Leadership: Towards a

New Research Agenda in Leadership Studies?"

In their article, the authors examined and explored the various leadership theories and their implications in the practices of contemporary leadership. They were able to draw the differences between performances and leadership but noted that for leadership to be effective there must be positive results. They, therefore, concluded that leadership involves performance which is also how effective leadership can be measured. In other words, the authors were able to point out the differences in leadership and performance and show how the two are linked. They also noted that performance can be used as one of the means that can be helpful in examining contemporary leadership.


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Rehman, T. and Ofori, G. "Leadership for future construction industry: Agenda for authentic leadership." International Journal of Project Management

The article examines leadership particularly project leadership in construction projects. The author seeks to demystify the perception that leadership in the construction industry relies mostly on authority, power and is task based. They view these perceptions as outdated and tradition in today’s volatile business environment. According to the leadership in the construction industry today needs to be more adaptive to the modern business environment for it to be effective. They, therefore, advocate for renewed research in order to address the leadership requirements in the modern construction industry. This they argue will enable the industry deal with the dynamic environment due to globalization and changing technologies.

Rosener, J. "Leadership, Gender, and Organization." Issues in Business Ethics

The author examines leadership in the modern, contemporary organizations and the influences that gender has on leadership. The author argues that in contemporary organizations leadership is perceived to less influence by one’s gender. She argues that instead in the modern organization effectiveness of any given leader is mainly determined by their styles and capacity to influence their employees. Dynamic business environment as a result of globalization and the ever changing technologies requires that today leaders continuously apply styles that can enhance their effectiveness and deliver their obligations. The article, therefore, advocated for an increase in women leaders taking top leadership roles. This is because the traditional perception that masculinity is a requirement for management jobs has continuously been disapproved in the modern, contemporary organizations.

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Wood, G and Jogulu, U. "Malaysian and Australian male and female middle managers: a

cross-cultural comparison of workplace attitudes, aspirations for promotion, and self-rated leadership styles." International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management

The article examines the rise of women in leadership roles throughout the world and determines why few women make it to top leadership positions. The authors argue that although the current leadership requirement trends have been to increase the number of women in top positions their advancements have been slow. They attribute the new ‘feminine leadership’ requirements globally in top position to reduction of the perceived masculine characteristics for management jobs. They, therefore, advocate for more ‘feminine leadership’ to be adopted in modern organizations. They carried out a study in Australia and Malaysia to determine whether gender can determine the effectiveness of an individual as a leader or the leadership styles that one employs.



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