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A Curriculum Philosophy

Curriculum can be defined as the set of courses, and their content, that are offered in learning institution whether primary, secondary, college or university. It can also be defined as the set of courses and contents that are offered in a particular area of Jurisdiction.

Curriculum philosophy can therefore be described as the critical study basic principles and concepts of a particular learning system in certain are of jurisdiction, with a view of improving or reconstituting the curriculum.


Having an effective curriculum is not only understanding the course content but also how the curriculum works. For one to be an effective teacher/student of any curriculum one needs to know how to present/receive it, the mode to use and other underlying factors that are related to the said curriculum. Though there exist famous Curriculum philosophies (idealism, postmodernism, extensionsm,scholatism, pragmatism e.t.c) advented great by philosophers.(Plato, aquinas, aristotle, john dewey, ibn tufail among others), philosophy of curriculum has continued to evolve over time.


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Teachers can help model their students’ lives to positive direction through applying different philosophical aspects that shapes character of students. They include,

Social skills and self acceptance

It is our responsibility to take care of children and teach them acknowledge. First we should build a relationship with each child. In other words we should accept and respect every child through observing them, talking with them, imploring on their feelings and validating children’s efforts by giving them encouragement. Then we can help children learn to work and play with others through establishing contact, maintaining a positive relationship and negotiating conflicts. We can use the classroom strategies to give children more opportunities to practice the skills they need to develop positive peer relationships and friendships. This is essential pin developing the social skills of young children for use at an advanced age.Teachers should place particular emphasis on “Social Studies” on the world of the children on their class, like where they live and what they see around them. The chart from page 120 to 122 showed us how to connect social studies content, teaching, and learning.

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Impacting positive behavior

Guiding children’s behavior is an important part of teaching and using positive guidance strategies is also useful. Developing rules for a classroom community is necessary. It is the link between Caring and teaching. After reading the “Dramatic Play”, I think it just can develop children’s social- emotional skill and language & literacy skill. However, acting in dramas, skits and plays has proved to not only help gain the two skills but can also develop their physical and cognitive skills. Teachers also can interact with children during dramatic play, they can make suggestion to stimulate dramatic play and participate in.

Mathematical skills

Selecting and displaying materials can help children can learn more skills like Mathematics. Mathematics is everywhere, and we should pay more attention on children when they are playing as they still can learn mathematics. There are many areas that they can learn mathematics, like in the block area they can count blocks, and in the library area they may learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and so on. Teacher should set up a good learning curriculum that children may have more chances of learning mathematics well. Moreover, teachers play a very important role in planning for children’s mathematics learning.

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A teacher should first guide the student into learning mathematics by being clear and understandable on each and every mathematical concept they are explaining. Creating a rich mathematical environment is also essential. A good environment should be interesting enough to children’s mind and enticing them to solve mathematical problems. This helps children’s thinking and their ability to communicate. It is important to note that a modern child has more chances to learn mathematics when he/she is playing with his/her toys.


Children can learn a lot through they are playing, but the teacher should do prepare for setting a good environment to support their play. Also teachers should observe them and talk to them individually during or after playing.



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