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The Management to Buy Cars

This is a presentation to advice the management to buy cars for the sales team of a cosmetics company. I am a consultant requested to offer a recommendation in PowerPoint about the best bank chosen to offer loans to purchase the cars. The company deals with the production as well as sale of NIVEA body lotions and deodorants. The cars were to be bought using a loan from a bank. Consequently, two banks placed their bids and a choice between the two was to be made so that the cars would be purchased as soon as possible. Of the two banks in bid I chose and thereby recommended bank A over bank B.

Advantages of bank A

The preferred bank A proved to be more authentic and reliable as compared to the second bank B. The bank has reliable loaning schemes as well credible accounting systems. In addition, the bank allows the cosmetics company to take longer period of time before paying the installments. The bank also has very competitively affordable bid.

Bank B as the second choice

The second choice bank helps the company determine the qualities of the two banks in order to genuinely propose or oppose the recommendation. The bank has a less competitive bid as compared to bank A who quoted a lower price in experiment. The bank only allowed huge installments within a short time such that a client would be restricted to the bank installments. In addition, the previous users did not find it reliable. Bank A also has fluctuating loaning schemes.


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Advantages of buying sales cars

It improves working standards as well as easing advertising. Use of cars also enhances competitiveness. Company sales cars are cost effectiveness as well as ease in making sales.  Loan repayment in small installments is usually spread over a long time. Additionally the sales teams in the regional centers often communicate with each other.


The presentation audiences are the employees and management of NIVEA Company. They will listen to the recommendations passed across together with the reasons for choosing bank A. The context of the presentation refers to a recommendation to the sales company.



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