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Nursing Informatics

Nursing develops and gets complicated with each passing day. Two issues continue to challenge this profession including how to differentiate medical care from nursing care and how to record the well being of medical patients. Using electronic medical records (EMRs) and employing the use of standardized nursing terminologies (SNTs), has proved to be the way out for those in the know (Rutherford, 2008). Changes in these standardized nursing languages have been occurring for a number of decades now and their importance continue to make an impact in the nursing profession. However, I have not had the chance to use these terms in real life practice, but I believe the SNTs have both cons and advantages.

Using standardized nursing terminologies during nursing care is essential for both bedside care and the patients well being. The first advantage of these terms is that they promote better communication among all health care providers like nurses, eventually improving the care of patients. The next point is that nursing interventions are better seen and analyzed; these terminologies improve data collection to improve nursing care outcomes (Rutherford, 2008). Additionally, it helps nurses adhere to standards of care and assessment of nursing competency is successfully evaluated.


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On the other hand, nursing terminologies have a few cons. It is evident that a number of nurses have no knowledge or experience with standardized nursing languages. It is not possible to use these terms if you do not know what they mean (Jones, 2010). A notable disadvantage is the fact that many of the patients would not understand terms spoken to them during treatment. Finally, learning these terms is time consuming and costly since it is not possible to combine all the languages into a single set of terminologies.

In conclusion, these terms help improve nursing care all around the world. However, there are advantages and disadvantages that arise. Nevertheless, this should not burr nurses from learning these terms.



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