After collecting and analyzing the data, the study results showed that the public did not support the use of medical intervention for troubled children, even in the cases of suicidal threats there were mixed reactions towards psychiatric medications. The result indicated that the public was against the use of medication despite the increased rate (Bainerman). Most parents offered to have their children administered cognitive therapy rather than psychiatric medication. In the case of Prozac the study identified that there was less willingness to administer Prozac than the psychiatric medication in general (McLeod, Pescosolido & Takeuch, 2004). The resistance of Prozac was not immediately identified but there were three probable possibilities. The wariness toward Prozac may have extended to the named medications representing specific reference. The negative publication of Prozac medication had the influence on the public opinion of the medication, and the other possibility is in reflection to the debate over the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and medicine corporate connections. Medication was perceived to be affecting the central nervous system and its effect to the perceived behavioral problems were not clearly defined (Bainerman). Thus it was not possible to administer medications to brains which had not fully developed. Though there was less willingness to administer psychiatric medication to children, the willingness was in relation to the trust with physicians and general attitudes toward the medications (McLeod, Pescosolido & Takeuch, 2004). There are concerns in regard to the psychiatric medication to children, as some drugs administered to children have the adverse effect to psychological development.
The willingness of psychiatric medication to children was not fully established, but it was embedded on the trust by which the public put to their physicians and the psychiatric treatment. The emotion and behavioral problems with children thus need to be explored further as this would establish the source of willingness to use psychiatric medication to children. The evaluation of the troubled children could offer some potential responses to the society in relation to the problems. The study expressed that the public is wholly opposed to psychiatric medication to children except for worse cases where they threat of suicide. This is due to the wariness which is not confined to a specific demographic class as they view that the psychiatric medication is not complete as a solution to the emotion and behavioral problems of children (Zito, 2008.). The level of prescription has increased drastically despite the low willingness levels, and the public wary of medical intervention to their problems. Despite the resistance to psychiatric medication to children, there are levels to which this is found to be the last resort although it is not all children who can be referred to psychiatric medication as the best choice in regard to their problems.
The research which concerns the psychiatric medication to children needs to be monitored continuously so not to stop gaining the scientific understanding of children’s emotions and behaviors and the source of these problems. This article relied on data carried out by another survey study of which was primarily focused on the psychiatric medication to children and the information was gathered from parents. It is not possible to establish specific conditions which required the attention of psychiatric and other alternatives that could solve problems(Zito, 2008.). The administering of medications to children was negatively approached as there was no knowledge of what emotions and behaviors were prevalent and required the psychiatric medication. Most parents administered their children with the prescribed medication due to the trust conferred to their physicians. The study does not display any relation to the administering the Prozac medication with the conditions that affect children and conclusion of the Prozac medication is based on the negative publicity to the public. This has made many people to opt for other alternative other than the psychiatric medication due to lack of sufficient information regarding definition of problems related to children’s emotions and behaviors and the subsequent treatment.
The study does not offer the sample size used and the method used to determine the selection of the sample. The study questions were also framed in a manner to answer questions related to psychiatric medication on children but it does not specify the different conditions of problems in children and the result is thus a generalized medication to children by psychiatrics to condition and behavioral problems in children. A further study is paramount to establish the different conditions and behavioral problems among children and a definition of this problem in relation to medical knowledge and the subsequent treatment. This will enhance the understanding of different conditions and behavioral problems and the specific medication requirement for the condition.
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