Back, A. L., Wallace, J .I., Starks, H. E., & Pearlman, R .A. (1996). Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in Washington state. JAMA, 275(12), 919-925.
This article provides estimates of the number of patient requests for euthanasia and PAS received by physicians in the state of Washington. The study findings indicate that sick person requests for euthanasia and PAS are common in Washington and some physicians help their patients in performing these end-of-life practices despite the inherent legal consequences.
Chaloner, C. & Sanders, K. (2007) Euthanasia: The legal issues. Nursing Standards, 21(36), 42-46.
This source examines the legal issues surrounding euthanasia in the UK with a strong emphasis on the current legal policies and high-profile cases related to euthanasia. On the other hand, this article provides expert opinion on the need to change the present official position regarding euthanasia in the UK.
Cohen, J. S., Fihn, S. D.,, Boyko, E .J, Jonsen, A. R., & Wood, R.W. (1994). Attitudes toward assisted suicide and euthanasia among physicians in Washington state. N Eng L Med, 331, 89-94.
This research article highlights the attitudes of physicians toward euthanasia and PAS in the state of Washington. The study findings indicate that physicians share diverse views and opinions when it comes to the issue of euthanasia and PAS.
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Denier, Y., Gastmans, C., De Bal,N., & Dierckx de Casterle, B. (2010). Communications in nursing care for patients requesting euthanasia: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 3372-3380.
This qualitative study examines the role of communication in the interaction between nurses and terminally-ill patients who request euthanasia in different hospitals in Flanders. The study results show that excellent communication skills are necessary for nurses to provide good-quality euthanasia care.
Dierckx de Casterle, B., Denier, Y., De Bal, N., & Gastmans, C. (2010). Nursing care for patients requesting euthanasia in general hospitals in Flanders,Belgium.Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(11), 2410-2420.
This source analyzes the role of nurses in providing care to terminally-ill patients who request euthanasia in various hospitals located in Flanders. The results indicate that nurses play a pivotal role in terms of ensuring that euthanasia care provides the desired results for all stakeholders.
Fenigsen, R. (2011). Other people’s lives: Reflections on medicine, ethics, and euthanasia. Issues in Law & Medicine, 26, 239-279.
This editorial highpoint different arguments in favor of the practice of euthanasia. On the other hand, the author provides different views to support his arguments against euthanasia besides discussing other alternative approaches to dealing with patient requests for euthanasia.
Gielen, J., van den Branden, S., van Iersel, T., & Broeckaert, B. (2009). Flemish palliative care nurses’ attitudes toward euthanasia: A qualitative study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 15(10), 488-497.
This study examines the attitudes of Flemish nurses to euthanasia and their role in providing painkilling care to terminally-ill patients. The effects show that the Flemish nurses’ attitudes toward euthanasia are based on context and in most cases. They apply a palliative filter to ensure that good care eliminates the patient requests for euthanasia.
Holt, J. (2008). Nurses’ attitudes to euthanasia: The influence of empirical studies and methodological concerns on nursing practice. Nursing Philosophy,9, 257-272.
This article focuses the controversy surrounding different end-of-life practices including active voluntary euthanasia and PAS. Additionally, the paper reviews the current legal position regarding euthanasia and PAS in the United Kingdom. In conclusion, the paper recommends various ways of incorporating research into different aspects of nursing practice.
Lo, B. (2009). Resolving ethical dilemmas: A guide for clinicians (4th ed). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers.
This book provides definitions of various end-of-life practices including euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, and withholding or withdrawing medical interventions. On the other hand, this book discusses the ethical issues surrounding the lloss of life practices besides offering the arguments for and against euthanasia and PAS.
McGowan, M.C. (2011). Legal aspects of end-of-life. Critical Care Nurse, 31(5), 64-69.
This editorial affords the legal provisions affecting different mortality practices in the United States. More specifically, the article provides the legal aspects of euthanasia and PAS, which directly affect the activities of critical care nurses in the United States.
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Quaghebeur, T., Dierckx de Casterle, B, & Gastmans, C.(2009).Nursing and euthanasia: A review of argument-based ethics literature. Nursing Ethics,16(4), 466-486.
This article reviews the arguments for and against euthanasia based on the nursing ethics. Furthermore, the author appraises different items dealing with the ethics of euthanasia and the role of nurses in this end-of-life practice.
Snelling, C.P. (2004). Consequences count: Against absolutism at the end of life. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 46(4), 350-357.
This critique presents different arguments in defence of euthanasia by examining various theoretical foundations that support cases of active euthanasia. More specifically, the author argues from the deontological and consequentialist view-points with a strong emphasis on the need to consider significance related to different deth issues particularly when arguing for/against euthanasia.
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