Table of Contents
- Buy Disease/Disability Group (Diabetes) paper online
- Interview with the Patient Suffering from Diabetes
- Me: Hello, how are you doing today?
- Interview with the Doctor
- Me: Hello Doctor, how are you?
- Doctor: I am fine thank you
- Me: What history of diabetes admissions do you have?
- Me: What have you identified to be the cause of this?
- Interview with the Support Organization Officer
- Me: How are you?
- Officer: I am fine thank you
- Me: What projects do you have that support your diabetes patients?
- Me: What is the response of the people?
- Interview with the Patient’s Mother
- Me: Hello, how are you?
- Me: How is it caring for your diabetic patient?
- Me: What steps have you taken to address this fact?
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Diabetes is a chromic disease that is common in people with high blood sugar because of a failure of the pancreas to produce ample insulin or the cells failing to respond to the produced insulin. A person with diabetes usually has frequent urination or increased thirst and hunger. Diabetes has three types that have similar symptoms except for the treatment methods. There exist several types of the disease: of type1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 is caused by the failure of the pancreas to produce insulin; type 2 is caused by of the body cells resisting the produced insulin while gestational diabetes is common in pregnant women who develop high level of glucose in their blood. Diabetes mellitus type 1 requires the patient to either wear an insulin pump or inject insulin into his or her body while type does not require the patient to depend on the injection of insulin and can improve with medications. Type 1 is commonly known as insulin dependent while type 2 is non insulin-dependent. While gestational diabetes is not severe, if not treated on time, it may cause complications that further develop to type 2 diabetes (Becker, 2006).
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There are other forms of diabetes that are not common including steroid diabetes, congenital diabetes and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, which are caused by high doses of glucocorticoids. Diabetes is among the most common chronic diseases that have acute conditions leading to death. These complications include nonketotic hyperosmolar and ketoacidosis coma. Critical long-term conditions include chronic renal failure, cardiovascular disease and diabetic retinopathy or retinal damage. There are recommended protocols or lifestyles for people with diabetes such as healthy body weight and stopping smoking because this among many other recommendations will determine the blood pressure control. Both type 1 and 2 are conditions that are severe and chronic, hence, cannot be cured except with pancreas transplant, which is constantly unsuccessful in most patients, and bypass surgery, which is successful in patients with morbid obesity. Despite all the severe conditions of type 1 and 2, gestational diabetes is resolvable after delivery (Fischbach, 2012).
Several fundamental factors may lead to diabetes or death from diabetes such as poverty, diets, environmental and genetically geared factors. Poverty may contribute to a patient’s death because of the expensive medication and demands of diabetes, while genetically factors are not controllable in patients. Environmental factors, on the other hand, include the availability of a conducive environment for a person with diabetes, which is limited to most patients. Environmental factors include polluted environments that may cause damage to the normal pancreas and body cells functioning and exercise free environment that grants the patient freedom to exercise hence developing a healthy body weight. These factors comprise the key points to ensuring a diabetic free lifestyle for those without diabetes and prolonged health for those with diabetes (Pamela, 2009).
Controversies in signs, symptoms, tests and treatments of these conditions have involved parents, clinicians, teachers and the media regarding necessary preventive measures. The percentage of people suffering diabetes increases over the last two decades. The number has risen from approximately 20% to 60% because of the ignorance in most patients and medical practitioners. Others have neglected their patient’s health condition due to poverty while some did this due to lack of knowledge. It is crucial for medical practitioners and patients to know that early identification of these conditions with proper treatment can grant patients longer life spans or the chance to live happy and normal lives despite their conditions. According to clinicians, most common diabetic conditions that have increased rapidly in people are type 1 and 2. In America and other parts of Asia, the demographic data reveals that most people, who suffer diabetes, are women and men in their late twenties and early to mid thirties. Such early occurrence of the disease is preconditioned by unhealthy lifestyle and hard working conditions. High pressure can also be caused by living conditions and environment that do not meet health requirements, and eventually, lead to infection or failure of body parts (Barnard, 2008).
On the other hand, demographic data also shows that many reports of diabetes deaths occur among the poor who cannot afford proper treatments and lifestyle. The demographic data presents an investigation into genetically geared and environmental causes, which come due to poor eating habits. It explores the opinions of people who do not consider their health bad enough to seek medical attention and checkup to avoid further complications with diabetes conditions. This also covers the details of the impacts in their livelihoods and lives; the ability to use available traditional or natural ways in taking precautions on what they eat that may potentially cause severe conditions of diabetes. Clinicians argue that they are legally responsible when patients risk their lives through consumption of unhealthy products because they do not fully educate patients on preventive measures in terms what is within their control. The details of the demographic data oppose environmental factors as the contributing agents to severe diabetes conditions, and further describe the negative attitudes of people to embrace natural or traditional foods (Barnard, 2008).
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In addition to this, it gives an evaluated view of the cost of treatment of diabetes worldwide that causes financial strain on most families, hence, leading to death. It demonstrates that diabetes cost drives people to lead precautious lifestyle to avoid emptying their pockets in treatment of diabetes. This means that with increased deaths, people gain knowledge on the nature and nurture of diabetes, which is reflected in reduced number of reports of diabetes deaths (Pamela, 2009). Based on reliable sources from interviews with patient suffering from diabetes, his doctor and his family, the support organization officer and the officer from the ministry of health department, it is evident that diabetes is a preventable disease when the society has full knowledge of the nature and nurture of the disease.
Interview with the Patient Suffering from Diabetes
Me: Hello, how are you doing today?
Patient: I am fine.
Me: What type of diabetes do you have and for how long have you suffered from it?
Patient: I have had diabetes mellitus type 1 for the last five years.
Me: What challenges do you encounter as a patient with your doctor and your current health condition?
Patient: My major challenge is financing my medication, because I have to take insulin injections daily, which is very expensive, but I manage to take my injections with the support of my family. My health is fragile because whenever I get stressed my blood pressure goes down and the doctor says it is not good for my condition.
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Me: Thank you.
Interview with the Doctor
Me: Hello Doctor, how are you?
Doctor: I am fine thank you
Me: What history of diabetes admissions do you have?
Doctor: Over the last two decades the number of those suffering from diabetes has increased by 30%, especially among young men and women.
Me: What have you identified to be the cause of this?
Doctor: Most of them live a stressful life because of the surrounding factors that affect their lives. Others have history of diabetes in their families and so they fall victims of diabetes.
Me: What steps have to taken to help your community change the situation?
Doctor: The hospital has programs that address the issues surrounding diabetes and diabetics such that their families and the society are educated on what they need to do to prevent occurrences of diabetes conditions. These programs also help those who are sick, but cannot afford to pay for their medications by sponsoring their medication through community projects.
Interview with the Support Organization Officer
Me: How are you?
Officer: I am fine thank you
Me: What projects do you have that support your diabetes patients?
Officer: We built this hospital from the community projects that we had ten years ago. Through our investors and stakeholders, we manage to create other projects that help fund our community hospital. We also have monthly training programs for everyone that cover various topics on different diseases.
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Me: What is the response of the people?
Officer: Most young men and women do not turn up for the training leading to an increased number of diabetics among them, because they do not have the right knowledge of the nature and nurture of these diseases.
Me: What is your response to their negative attitude regarding your training program?
Officer: We created forms that every trainee signs before he or she goes through training. The aim of these forms is to help in filing, so that before a patient receives treatment, he or she must be in our records of trainees. This way, the number of those falling sick in our community reduces rapidly because they are forced to have knowledge of diabetes among many other diseases.
Interview with the Patient’s Mother
Me: Hello, how are you?
Mother: I am fine thank you.
Me: How is it caring for your diabetic patient?
Mother: It is challenging when one does not know the nature of the disease because a caregiver cannot give the right medication no matter how dedicated he or she is, without knowing the recommended steps to take.
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Me: What steps have you taken to address this fact?
Mother: When my patient was administered with diabetes, I asked the doctor to educate me on what is expected of me during the treatment such as timing, diets and environment. Later on the support organization and the hospital developed a training program that educated my whole family about diabetes. This way, it becomes less complex caring for the patient because there are other people who can do it better, and so I do not have to strain too much. In addition to this, the organization encourages community activities that finance the treatment of patients so we do not struggle to pay for the whole treatment.
The availability of all support programs is communicated with the help of the hospital, which trains the patients on how to take their medications and others on how to care for patients as well as on preventive measures so that they can avoid actual and potential causes of diabetes. While the hospital ensures access of medication, there are barriers that hinder successful solving of health problems in the community. For example, poor families that cannot afford even the smallest amount have a hard time, therefore, they are no able to meet the conditions of the hospital and support organization. On the other hand, there are patients that suffer other chronic diseases that deteriorate their health, hence, leading to death regardless of the efforts that clinicians, caregivers and hospital apply. While it is important to seek medical attention when these conditions are detected, there are medical implications, which may be both positive and negative. The implications will be positive if proper and professional care is given to the patients. For example, patients are required to continue with their medication even after their conditions seem to be improving to prevent future occurrences of severe symptoms. It is also necessary that their caregivers monitor their progress during the treatment as well as create normal environment for them. In cases when the patients refuse or fail to respond to the treatment, it is wise to change the diagnosis to multiple treatments so every symptom is treated in different way (Fuhrman, 2012).
With the help and dedication of stakeholders, such as government hospitals that have given their support over the years, diabetes patients are guaranteed to receive proper and professional care and treatment. Government hospitals and pharmaceutical companies give their support because it helps them market their products and services as well as gain a recommendable position in the market. This way, they can also gain recognition with the public in terms of delivering quality services and products. Other stakeholders have conflicting agendas when they strive to take over the management of the society instead of delivering their help. This makes it challenging for the hospital and organization because whenever they receive the help of such stakeholders and investors, they feel threatened to lose their organization (Fuhrman, 2012).
While medical implications are generally positive, they will determine the process of recovery in patients. For example, it is recommendable for the patients to have a healthy environment because when their environment is normal and flexible, it gives them a stable health state so that they are able to define their own world without having to worry about their medical conditions. Treatment defines the implications the patient will have during this period. If recommended treatment fails, then implications will be negative which may lead to severe symptoms. In other cases, severe diabetic symptoms may develop depending on the behavior and understanding of those giving care. Therefore, it is recommendable that all caregivers as well as patients are fully aware of the nature of the disease. If they lack proper knowledge and understanding of their patients’ conditions, it is likely that they will cause patients to develop a rebellious attitude towards their treatment (Schlosser, 2007).
On the other hand, when setting a clinic or a support organization, the resources should be sufficient to meet every need and conditions presented. Hence, medical procedures should be simple and bearable for patients and this can be facilitated by providing a proper environment. The environments should make the patients feel secure and confident; hence, if a patient is to transfer from home environment to a clinic environment, he/ she should not prefer one place to another during the treatment. For this to be achieved, family and clinicians have professional roles to play in the recovery process of diabetes patients. Their roles include administering medication as directed by clinicians, mentoring patients during treatment and monitoring progress in the health of patients (Schlosser, 2007).
In conclusion, diabetes is a common but dangerous disease. It may threaten the lives of many people by causing severe results and eventually leading to death. For this reason, it is important that people get medical checkups occasionally to ensure there is no existence of diabetes symptoms. Treatment needs to be diagnosed correctly in order to achieve recommendable results. It is necessary to have assessment tools for monitoring the progress of patients during medication. In addition to this, families of patients and patients themselves should have knowledge of the nature and nurture of diabetes conditions. This way, they can offer the necessary care that will result to creating a normal environment for patients. With the right diagnosis, patients can regain their normal self and live normal fulfilling lives despite their medical conditions.
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