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Tenants of Industrial Hygiene

Industrial hygiene refers to the science dealing with the prediction and control of unhealthy working conditions in workplaces to prevent disease outbreaks (Greenberg, 2003). This is extremely significant because employees will be productive for an organization’s productivity. Diseases, such as cholera and flu, may weaken employees and lead to absenteeism of the employees. An organization should observe a number of tenants of industrial hygiene, which include anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control (Greenberg, 2003). The tenants of industrial hygiene will ensure that an organization is free from disease outbreaks all year long. This discussion will consider the importance of the tenants of industrial hygiene, as well as how an industrial hygienist will utilize the tenants of industrial hygiene when evaluating workplace hazards.

Anticipation involves prediction of potential hazards, which may harm employees at the workplace (Greenberg, 2003). Recognition involves identification of a hazard. Evaluation is a process that will lead to the classification of a hazard as a physical, chemical, or biological. Control involves the application of prevention measures that will minimize the occurrence of a hazard in the future (Greenberg, 2003). Industrial hygiene profession involves rigorous and strict scientific methodology to determine the likelihood of a hazard and evaluate risks or exposures in the workplace. An industrial hygienist anticipates, recognizes, evaluates, and controls the physical, biological, or chemical hazards that could lead to diseases or injuries among employees within the workplace. Physical hazards include temperature extremes, noise, ionizing radiation, illumination extremes, and ergonometric (Tillman, 2006). Chemical hazards include formaldehyde, ethylene oxide, and other poisonous gases. Biological hazards include exposure to blood-borne pathogens. An industrial hygienist uses the behaviors of workers to anticipate and recognize workplace hazards. For instance, carelessness of employees in disposing of waste products will show that the workers will experience chemical, physical, or biological hazards. Industrial hygienists will advice employees on how to prevent workplace hazards from occurring (Tillman, 2006).

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In conclusion, anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control are the useful tenants of workplace hygiene that allow an industrial hygienist to minimize the exposures of hazards by implementing appropriate controls. The controls may include proper disposal of chemical and biodegradable materials (Greenberg, 2003).


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