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Discussion Effects of HIV Medication

HIV medication has lead to devastating effects on the child’s or adolescent’s brain or neurodevelopment. It has lead to depression, emotional distress, and anxiety. In addition, it can cause impairment of memory and thinking. This kind of medication can trigger common disorders that include cognitive motor disorder, dementia complex, psychosis, and delirium. The signs of this complication are confusion, a slurry speech, weakness, and poor memory. These kinds of effects can be sudden or gradual especially in young children; they can result in failure in age development milestone (Bisiacchi, Suppies, Laverda, 2000).

Adolescents are at a high risk suffering from emotional, behavioral, and social problems. This is because, at this age bracket, quick transformations are taking place in their bodies. If this growth and development is disturbed by a disease like HIV infection, then the victim is likely to suffer these mental and physical problems. Consequently, at this time one should be active and have sharp memory to learn new things from the environment. It is a period when one makes new friends and enjoys life. When a disease comes in, it can reverse the whole thing. When an adolescent falls a victim of the disease, then the problems set in. This causes total or partial isolation from the age mates. This kind of isolation can generate a serious social problem like depression and emotional distress.


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When one is on HIV medication, it can result in strong emotional reactions. Initial feelings of denial, fear, shock, shock and hopelessness now become evident. One can even think of committing suicide. This is a time when one has hopes for the future. This hope is completely lost because of this infection. One loses hope to live, and all ambitions are forgotten. One feels that he or she is no longer useful in society and sees himself or herself as a burden to the family. In most cases, the friends start isolating the victim, and even start mocking at the victim. In this situation, the victim loses friends and even suffers more stigmas (Pearson et al., 2000).

A therapist can help the child or the family to solve a psychosocial problem in many ways. This kind of therapy is useful especially when the problem has persisted in the child or the family. This is necessary especially when the behavior and emotional patterns changes. He will gather the history concerning the child’s health history, and then provide a parent with appropriate recommendations about the steps to follow so as to curb psychosocial menace. Seeking a therapist will provide hope to the child and provide sense to life. A therapist will offer a child a chance to identify a problem, discuss, and digest the issue. Then the child will be offered coping skills from a therapist in the presence of parents.



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