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Emergency Disaster Management

Efficient emergency and disaster management strategies are critically important to the people. It is therefore, the responsibility of the government and the people to work together to come up with efficient and effective solutions to emergency disasters. Peek and James, (2002) explain that, “immediately following the attack of September 11, engineers from around the world were called to help explain how and why the WTC towers collapsed”. Paraphrased: Engineers from around the world were consulted to come up with actual cause of WTC towers collapse (Peek and James, 2002).

It is evidenced that the government responded quickly to the act of terrorism which caused the September 11disaster. It should be noted that, September 11 boom disaster offered the country an opportunity to reassess its emergency and disaster management strategies and policies. Emergency disaster management calls for a well organised policy and actions which are not only geared towards the response strategies alone, but also targets disaster’s prevention. In addition, Peek and James (2002) illustrate that “policy makers together with all stakeholders in emergency disaster management should come up with innovative ways of disaster management which respond to the current challenges”. Paraphrased: Disaster management needs a combined effort of all stakeholders in the society so that an everlasting solution can be achieved (Peek and James, 2002).This is a demonstration that effective disaster management need the contribution the government and the people.


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Peek and James, (2002) note that, “in a natural disaster, people often blame Mother Nature and attribute damage to an act of God”. Paraphrased: Natures is mostly blamed for occurrence of natural calamities whose occurrence may be either initiated by human action (Peek and James, 2002). However, it should be noted that man should take responsibility to avoid some of the foreseen disasters through conservation and ethical exploitation of natural resources. For instance, there should be policies which govern land use and emergency strategies. Floodplains are prone to continuous flooding which is associated with destruction of agricultural land, property, businesses and disruption of livelihood. Therefore, flooding problems pose great challenges to the people. Despite the risk involved, people still live in these floodplain areas. Towards this, the government has provided emergency disaster management strategies and programs which are geared towards problem solving.

Emergency and Disaster Management plays a pivotal role in protecting people not only in flood prone areas but also in the rest of the country. There is no doubt that people’s lives and property are valuable. This book is therefore important in offering insightful information on emergency disaster management.


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