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Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

Nursing leaders and managers are two different terms. Normally, a nurse leader is a practitioner, who motivates and inspires his team members to achieve the vision and the mission of the firm in the most effective, convenient and efficient way. The leadership can be either formal or delegated by the health care organization. However, it can be an informal one. For a nurse leader to be effective, he or she should be the source of allocating resources and streamlining the workforce. Some of the responsibilities of a nurse leader are implementing and designing new procedures and policies, and challenging the new institutions and the health policies imposed by the government or an organization (Strasen, 1987). A good nursing leader has the leadership roles in the hospices and emergency rooms. This is due to the delicacy and nature of anxiety concerned with treating the patients and their guardians. Unlike the nursing leader, a nursing manager is pertinent of the nursing field and is responsible for managing both patients and their relatives. An efficient nursing manager completes duties within the prescribed and given timelines with the help of the allocated resources, which are both human and financial, in order to meet the goals and objectives of the organization.

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These two parties have to be concerned with the constant quality improvement and patient care fulfillment. Health care organizations that are promoting supportive care environment require outstanding nurse leaders and managers. Both the nurse leaders and managers have been forced to obtain the skills of information systems. They use these skills in order to review and use the data drawn from decision support system of the patient, so that they can derive or get information about the patients. This skill helps them to improve their quality initiatives and handle the patients well, i.e. satisfying their needs.

There are abundantly different ways how a nurse manager and a leader conduct their activities to ensure constant quality improvement and patient satisfaction. Based on the theories, the principles and the roles they perform, they satisfy their patients in different ways. Unlike the nurse manager, who uses his formal role to offer patient satisfaction, one would expect the nurse leader to use the power he/she has acquired to empower other nurses, to inspire, motivate, and improve the services offered to the patient. Another contrasting approach between the two parties to ensuring patient satisfaction is that nursing managers use the delegated duties to ensure that all the activities placed on the nurses and other stakeholders are improved and achieved. On the other hand, a nurse leader is capable of motivating other employees to ensure constant quality improvement through both interpersonal and communication skills. Therefore, the patient feels satisfied, when the motivated nurses offer their services, while having the will (Marriner, 2004).

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Again, nurse managers use a very different way to ensure constant quality improvement. For example, he/she makes the decisions based on both internal and external factors. Such factors include the government among others. To control the offering of better services to the patient, he/she has to assess the potential factors that may be affecting them. Ones he/she derives these factors, then he/she will automatically ensure quality improvement of nurses’ initiative and satisfy the patient’s needs. Normally, nurse leaders look on the internal factors that may be affecting their operations. Their state of being vocal encourages them to convince the administration, and sympathies with patients, thus, building a strong relationship with them. The attitude of sympathy seen to the nurse leaders encourages them to feel all right. The mechanism ensures constant quality improvement. It also ensures patient satisfaction.

Another contrasting approach on how nurse managers and leaders use to ensure quality improvement and patient satisfaction is that nurse managers use a commanding voice, whereas nurse leaders use the leadership voice. In any way, the commanding voice used by the nurse managers, ensures that nurses, who are not committed to their work will perform their duties in an effective manner in order to satisfy the patient’s need. The calm voice used by the leaders motivates or encourages these nurses. They do not like to be commanded to improve their work, thus, ensuring patient satisfaction.

One of the main approaches that both the nurse leader and manager use to ensure constant quality improvement and patient satisfaction is being loyal to their work. The term loyal means that every nurse, irrespective of his or her status, is happy on the job and regarding the stuff that he or she is doing to the society, i.e. the patients. When both nurse leaders and nurse managers are performing their activities because they like doing it, they may probably encourage other people to improve; thus, satisfying the patient’s needs. Both the nurse leaders and managers have common ethics, which they use to motivate and encourage the patients to stay strong and not to worry. This promotes constant quality of both patients and employees. Again, they apply their common ethics to the external world. For example, a nurse cannot leave a patient dying, irrespective of whether the patient has the money or not.

Nurse managers and leaders have common attributes that enhance them to satisfy the needs of the patients. For example, they prescribe to similar professional ethics or conducts. The professional ethics allows them to have the right and freedom to prescribe various medications. The presence of these professional ethics has largely motivated the nurse leaders and manager in solving problems. To consider professional ethics in enhancing quality improvement and patient satisfaction is extremely crucial in the current era.

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Ethical approach of nursing would be the best practice, because it employs moral agency, ethical theory and moral identity among others. Critically, this approach would be a well-suited approach for a good leadership style because various situations require different styles of reasoning and problem-solving. One of the benefits of this approach is that one would not favor anybody. Ethical practice normally involves a situation, where a person is moral. Over the past few years, the people in the society have criticized many approaches of leadership that are commonly used in the universe, especially in nursing. Some of the things that people are questioning are that these approaches are not supposed to be used in nursing practices, terming them as being evil. It is evident from the various past practices that the job was done well; thus, satisfying the patient’s needs and ensuring constant quality improvement.

Based on the research studies conducted by various people in the globe, a big number of them have stated that ethical approaches of leadership have tremendous positive effects to organization. Others have argued that the act of being loyal to your duty has been termed as ethics. In conclusion, it is inevitable to avoid the use of other approaches because not all people could be willing to follow your way (McSherry, 2012). This is the reason, why this essay stipulates the common attributes and the different activities that the nurse leaders and managers use. They ensure that there is patients’ satisfaction and constant quality improvement. However, the different approaches will have different implications to the entire nursing society. Finally, one would recommend that people should be extremely careful, when managing or leading other people.


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