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The Independent Safeguarding Authority

The Independent Safeguarding Authority (“ISA”) is a public body that was formed in 2007-2010. The body was formed after the Soham murder. It was formed to enable the vetting and barring of individuals with gross misconduct in courts. It called for all those who wanted to work with the vulnerable group in public to go through a tough process of screening and vetting before they started doing any work with the public. The Independent Safeguarding Authority gave out an outline under which all those who intended to work with the children and the vulnerable groups within the society had to go through which involved registration with the Independent Safeguarding Authority. It was agreed that the protection of children and the vulnerable group of people would generally focus on the use of common sense than on measures of labor introduced.

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is a department of the government that that is charged with the responsibility of prosecuting individuals who are charged with criminal acts. It is a body that is headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions who answers directly to the attorney general. It is a body mandated to carry out criminal cases which are beyond the investigative capacity of the police. It is a role that involves advising the police on the charges to institute against a suspect, they authorize some of simple charges and they prepare and present cases to the magistrate and crown courts. The Crown Prosecution Service is usually divided in geographical areas and it is mandated to provide high quality prosecution services in their areas of operations. The CPS is headed by Chief Crown Prosecutor with the assistance of an Area Business Manager. The Area Operations Centers usually provide support service to the Chief Crown Prosecutor and also to Area Business Manager. The CPS employs the majority of lawyers who deal with criminal cases. The body deals with hundreds of cases annually. The body formulates policies, it sets business strategies, it sets the procedures to be followed and practices for effective prosecution processes, it provides information technology and other services and it deals with issues to do with equality and diversity issues for its people as well as provision of administration services. The Crown Prosecution Service also deals with cases of fraud and serious crime. The Crown Prosecution Service prosecutes cases with sufficient evidence and where the prosecution is in public interests. This is to provide sufficient ground for the conviction. The officers usually work closely with the prosecutor and where the prosecutor feels that insufficient evidence was obtained he may request for more collection of evidence. Even in cases where there is sufficient evidence the Crown Prosecutor must check the evidence to see that it is in the interest public to undertake the prosecution.


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