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Job Satisfaction

Job contentment is a form of workers achievement and they perceive it as success. This is connected to the production rate of a company and also the welfare of the employees. It therefore implies one performing works that they do enjoy, performing it well and on the same time being rewarded perfectly for ones efforts. In addition it suggests enthusiasm and happiness in the place of work. According to the Harvard Group, this contentment is a vital factor that leads to income, recognition, and promotion. Creation of job satisfaction can entirely be pegged as the managers business. For a company to advance its workers job contentment it has to incorporate the following factors

Mangers must provide flexible work planning. A good work arrangement ensures that every employee is assigned to the positions they are perfectly skilled at and where they are able to do a good job. Once employees are given the sectors that they are good in they tend to work as if they are doing the work for themselves and therefore they provide quality work and hence the productivity of the company is raised.


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Training and other specialized growth opportunities have a part to play in ensuring that the employees are satisfied by the type of jobs that they perform. Once the managers make arrangements of training of the employees they feel at ease and feel that the organization recognizes their presence and in a way to give back the regards to the organization they tend to work more actively and in return as the company grows it continues to advance them be it educational wise or salary or wage increment. Salary increment causes the standards of living of the employees to in raise and as a result workers feel more satisfied in the jobs that they do. This bring happiness them and this is all job satisfaction means.

Provision of work that is interesting and which offer a variety to choose from and which challenges the workers and they are successful they are put into the list of best performers is also a source of job contentment that the organization can offer. Many employees tend to work hard in the companies that they feel at the end of the day they will be recognized and their names will be put in the books of record more so to be associated with a new finished product. Those employees running to be associated with the product to be introduced always works at ease ensuring that they perform their assignments correctly in order at the end to be recognized. Once they are recognized and associated with the product they feel happy and proud of the work they do and from hence forward they feel that their job is everything that they need.

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Managers in an event to create job satisfaction, they must create opportunities for employees to use their own talents and positions for them to be creative. When given positions that needs maximum one’s attention and where they can use their talents, employees feel more satisfied by their jobs and tend to see the jobs as if it is personal which brings contentment. Allowing for employees creativity creates a sense of satisfaction to the employees in the sense that they see that their ideas are valued and hence making them feel at ease and consequently enjoying their work.

By managers creating a stable and secure working environment, workers are aware of their job security and they confidently wok bearing in mind that their employment would not be terminated in a foreseeable future. This makes the employees to base their mind that what they are doing today they will be given an opportunity to see and reap the reward since they will be still be working in that company unless they choose to withdraw their employment contract. In a setting which workers are supported by an available supervisor who provides apt response plus friendly group members, employees are able to perform the tasks assigned to them at ease and this creates happiness in the assignments that they perform. The benefits which are flexible may include child-care and exercise amenities also contribute to added value of the employees and hence making they regard their employment highly(Boucher, 2004).

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When managers adopt the new technology or provides the advancement of technology makes the workers to enjoy their working environment since they are able to learn the new technology. In most cases upcoming technology make working easier and by so doing the work load of the employees reduces which makes them happy with their work. It therefore becomes hard for such employees who works with the newer technology to opt to leave the company to another that operates on old technology due to increased work load. In most case some new technology is interesting in itself for example in the area of information technology where many things are done via internet which is a bank of entertainment. This may make employees to enjoy the work that they perform.

If managers provide competitive remuneration and opportunities for promotion the employees are usually happy. Competitive salary, in itself makes the employees to work harder and acts as a form of motivation to them. This brings happiness into their lives and consequently they find pleasure in their jobs. Serious managers concerned about job satisfaction of workers can also take other premeditated steps to generate a motivating work atmosphere. A good example of such step is job fortification. Job improvement is a purposeful improvement of accountability, extent, and challenge in the job itself. It generally encompasses amplified liability, acknowledgment, and opportunity for development, knowledge, and accomplishment. Large organizations have employed the use job-enrichment programs to amplify employee inspiration and job contentment(Spector, 1997).

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Good management has therefore a prospective for creating high spirits, high output, and a logic of principle and significance for the association and its human resources. Experimental findings illustrate that job distinctiveness such as salary, opportunities for promotion, clarity of tasks and significance, and skills exploitation, as well as managerial personalities for example dedication and affiliation with supervisors and co-workers, have noteworthy results on job pleasure. This job uniqueness can be cautiously managed to improve job satisfaction.



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