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The civilization and modernization has been achieved after spending a quite rigid and bloodshed ears. The history of world is witnessed for every occurrence which has been saved by the historians. It is about end of 17th century and start of 18th century. It was the era of industrial revolution when an up gradation in agriculture, manufacturing, mining and many other industries had been took place and revolutionized. Specifically the 17th century was an era of slavery and conventional trading and manufacturing activities. In the later 18th century it was Great Britain who initiated the industrial revolution and introduction of up-to-the-minute machine based working in almost all fields. On the other hand, the efforts of Olaudah Equiano and his steps to provoke the thought in the people about slavery and its hardships. And his steps to discourage the slavery trend had made him hero and legendary.
The industrial revolution:
The industrial revolution begins on start of 18th century and it has upgraded and merged into the second industrial revolution in mind of 18th century. Many historians have diverse point of view about revolution and its basis. A very renowned historian Eric Hobsbawm states that the revolution was 'broke out' which was in Britain starts approximately in 1780s and was fully emerged in its entirety in 1830s or 1840s. However, T. S. Ashton states that the revolution period starts roughly in between 1760 and 1830. But, in the contrast some 20th century historians such as John Clapham and Nicholas Crafts states that the process of economic as well as social change in the society took place gradually. So that the term revolution is not a right term to perfectly describe the gradual change in the industry as well as in social standards of people. However, this change or revolution either it is gradual or revolutionary had influenced on the industrial as well as social standards of the people.
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The history of slavery:
The word labor has been changed in 1807 after appearance of slave trade act of 1807. In 17th century and at the prior period the salve trade was very common. Everyone was engaged in trading of salves to purchase them for their own comfort and to use them as worker. The slaves were considered as personal property of businessmen or the person who purchased them to use as maid or worker. In the era of slavery it was impossible to talk about the basic human rights and the rights of workmanship. This notion was completely abolished by the abolitionist movement. The aims and goals of the movement were to discourage and demolish the slave trade. In that movement Olaudah Equiano had took part and fuel the movement to its utmost level. His quality of great orator has proved that he could be the leader of the landmark change in society regarding slavery. After some time he also wrote his autobiography to exchange the hardships he faced during his slavery time (Brians, 1998). The movement had raised the awareness about slave hardships and finally able to make the landmark through abolishing the salve trade with salve trade act of 1807.
The world has faced many hard times to be modern. The revolution in industrialization and abolishment of slavery is quite good examples of world’s journey towards modernization. Just because of civilization and legendry efforts by the legends has given us this very liberal and moderate society. Now, it is world with civilized manners, everyone is free and has his rights of humanity. The world history is not only about the revolution in industrial sector, but, also in social sector.
THESIS: The common definition of good is to get benefit from it. When we get overview of industrial revolution we realize that industrial revolution was good thing
- Introduction to the industrial revolution and its goodness.
- The revolution has covered each segment of life.
- Industrial revolution initiated the social and civic reforms.
- The big economic hubs are example to the industrial revolution’s goodness.
- Concluding paragraph to emphasize the goodness of industrial revolution.
The common definition of good is to get benefit from it. When we get overview of
industrial revolution we realize that industrial revolution was good thing. By defining and defending the industrial revolution we have a large amount of supporting arguments. First of all, for the first time this revolution had abolish the concept of superior and non superior. This revolution gave the people their basic human rights. It also turns the world’s scenario into prosperous and peaceful society where everyone has his basic human rights.
Revolution in each segment:
The industrial revolution has brought revolution in each segment. It had transferred the workforce from manual work to the mechanic in large size mills, factories and mines. The revolution has covered all factors from economic, industrial to civil upbringing. It has created job opportunities for people to upgrade their social as well as economic status. It has introduced the labor unions which functioned for the benefit of worker. The labor courts were also revolutionary step to give justice to the worker and protect their rights. However, in Great Britain workers had fought and face many difficulties to get the equal status and justice. Eventually, the workers achieved effective political organization through the trade unions and begin to support social party which at the end merged to became the British Labor Party.
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Social and civic reforms:
The industrial revolution also initiated social and civic reforms. These social and civic reforms can be sort out by evaluating the abolitionist movement. It gives relief and initiated great reforms for the working class. The very notorious and inhuman activity of the 17th century was slavery which was greatly dealt in abolitionist movement. It gives the equal rights to the workers and demolishes the slavery trade by introducing the salve trade act of 1807 (Mill, 1956). Therefore, it is very right to say that industrial revolution was the good things which modernized, industrialized and civilized the society.
The economic hubs:
The industrial revolution has created new race to the world. The economic supremacy is new challenge and supreme status for the nations. On the economic grounds U.S.A has proved his competency and supremacy. And now it is China’s term, China has greatly revolutionized and up graded its economy to be the supreme in the world. The new era is most technological and China has griped the technical aspects very smartly. Now china’s economy is considered equal to the U.S.A economy. Spence has also worked on Chinese economy as well as social system. Spence concludes that “upon realizing this they either threw themselves further into work, or resigned and argued that the Chinese were unworthy to receive Western help (1969, p.292)”. The efforts by Chinese and other economic hubs and their standing in the world have proved that the revolution of industrialization was a good thing. And for that revolution we all are living in a quite prosperous, civilized and modernized world.
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At the end of treatise it can be realized that industrial revolution and world modernization has influenced on each segment of life. We can take it from personal, worker and industrial point of view. And the time has proved that the industrial revolution was a good thing to be prosperous as well as to be civilized.
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