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The Heartless Stone

A. Drying Stars

In that moment, the African territory was depopulated as a result of the have slave-raiding activity.

European powers, such as France, started to interfere in the African politics more and more, and in several regions, Europeans released the emperors in order to gain full control over the diamond rich areas.

After a civil war in mid 90’s, in the Central African Republic, people started to realize that diamonds are actually not the symbol of love, but the main reason for most of the aggressive events taken place in those regions.

As diamond business was growing day by day, lots of fakes came on the market, so buyers became more sceptical and consequent.

Diamonds came to surface as a result of a natural event. However, there are still questions about the exact method of the creation process.

Lots of people were hit by the “mining fever”, and by pursing this supreme goal, they lost everything they had. 

B. The Cartel

The leading company in the diamond business, DeBeers, tries to enforce its presence on the market. It consolidates the value and concepts of these stones as ultimate token of love.

As diamonds were gladly embraced by the leaders of South Africa and considered as a solid foundation on which Africa’s future can be built, European exploited this opportunity by creating an effective trade line between Europe and Africa, by financing their businesses through the powerful European Banks.


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Even though, the majority was skeptical about the newly risen diamond business from South Africa, the phenomenon quickly became uncontrollable, and a small industry was formed around the hot spots.

While forecasting the leading power of these stones, these companies aimed to enforce them as the ground for a new world order.

The African resources were exploited, and the diamond business moved to the United States, where the leading company “De Beers” fought a “one against everyone” battle for the supremacy, and was severely accused of sabotaging the main American diamond hot spot.



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