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Napoleon Bonapartes Major Battles


The historic Napoleonic wars were bloody conflicts that were experienced in Europe, Asia, part of the Americas as well as in Africa. They were instigated by Napoleon Bonaparte a French ruler who was an iron fist leader. The battles were mainly based on coalitions of nations against their perceived enemies or those who opposed certain ideals. They were also battles for resources and control of territory. This paper is going to discuss the battles of the Third coalition, the battle of Three Emperors as well as the Battle of Jena that happened between 1805-1807. The study will show the issues that led to these battles, the players, the consequences as well as their aftermath and how that depicts Bonaparte.


Prior to the third coalition war, there was the first and the second coalition wars which were led by France under the leadership of napoleon Bonaparte. The first coalition happened with nearly all the European countries against the other at different time spans. However, this was the time when the British army was perceived as the best in the world. The second war happened at around 1798 by all the European countries notably Great Britain, Austria against the Russian and their allies in which the French were victorious and succeeded by defeating g the Russians. The third coalition which is the main focus of this study was fought on in the early 19th century and consisted of Britain Russia and Austria. Although these were just not the last wars that Napoleon fought they are important as they changed the course of European History forever. The brief historical happenings of this three wars that happened  at that point have been reviewed a number of times by various writers but in this case we narrow down to specific dated and consequences that followed in the wake of these wars.


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The war of the third Coalition

This is a war that broke out in 1805 whereby the British government was joined by Russia Austria and Sweden who felt that France was having a domineering stand against continental matters. Before the build up of the war, some historians say possible personal differences between the leaders of these countries led to that war as opposed to ideological and political differences between the countries.

The war happened within the last four months of the year 1805 when the political temperatures were high between the countries.  The events that made the actual war to erupt were triggered by Austria that invaded Bavaria a small ally to France making Bonaparte declares war a fortnight later against the invader. France's response was experienced in the battle of Ulm where the French army drove the Austrians out of Munich. As if that was not enough a month later a major battle was fought in Austerlitz. For the next two to three months constant fights were being reported and the French troops seemed to carry the day leading to the treaty of Pressburg which was also called the peace treaty.

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The battle of three emperors

This was a battle that formally ended the coalition war. It was a battle that some analyst says it was part of the third coalition war. It happened in the present day Czech Republic and consisted of the three 'emperors' or leaders of Russia, France and Rome. These leaders were Napoleon Bonaparte, Francis II, and Alexander I of Russia.  Three leader had sharp ideological and personal differences an were even making arms races that made their rivals be of the This was on e of the deadliest wars of all time which involved about 15000 troops and saw a quarter of them died or were  captured.

This was a battle that all the European countries involved either directly or indirectly. With large casualty numbers and capture of men, France only lost 9000 men which was a smaller percentage compared to the rest of the team. At least each country took a stand for or against the French tea. One of the underlying factors that the battle was fought was the previous intention of the Russian allies to invade Britain, which aborted. The Bavarian and the French arm8y invaded the city and defeated the Russian and the Austrian army. This was the major victory for the French allies as they forced the tsar to sign the treaty hence making the supreme leader of the European continent.

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The battle of Jena

This was a part of the larger fourth coalition war that was already beginning in 1806. It was a battle against the Prussians that was fought in the present day Germany whereby the French which was way too superior for the it rivals crushed them and made large gains in their control. This was one of the most strategic war of the Napoleonic war because both of the sides used a lot of intelligence and numbers to try to outwit the others. It happened that the rivals of the French  side had poor command structure and hence it was almost impossible to win over the other troops.

Consequently after the war napoleon had the absolute control of Prussia but dint quite stay satisfies because he felt he had to conquer Friedland and so he did. This is because seven months later he instigated the battle of Friesland and conquered them with mush ease. The three battles that were fought between this three years opened the pathway that the French and its allies to open their territories in countries within Europe and other places I larger outside world.

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As part of his strategy, napoleon Bonaparte used military intelligence and good command and war field skills to take over Jena. His moment in time came with the meeting of Alexander 1 of the larger Russian territory that made him sign the treaty of peace to avoid further consequences and further loss and capture men. His strategy that saw him win the double battles saw him not only win but have a complete change of the battle mentality forever.

In summary, the three battles three were other Marshalls or majors that ere unsung in all the battles. They include Soult, Bernadette and Lannes and made a great contribution to success. The said battles that consisted of the battle of Jena, battle of Third Coalition and the battle of three emperors displayed a high level of organization and skill that saw France win. Analysis says that the reason for such triumphs was that Napoleon Bonaparte was a genius in war and his strategy of speed, resources, and strategic position. Even after the triumph of all men, his great skills and administration capability made him tick.

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The Napoleonic wars that happened in the 18th and 19th century have a major impact of the historical information about napoleon a leader of France whose capability saw him conquer the world. The third coalition battles where he conquered the whole of Europe and part of Asia and Russia portrayed d him as one of the most efficient readers of all time. He is portrayed as a leader administrator and master administrator because of his ability to harness a smaller army of men to defeat large forces of countries double his size.



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