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Israel/Palestinian Conflict

The historical background of the conflict

Palestine has been a home to the Palestinians for at least 6 thousand years. They have been connected with building of cities like Jerusalem, Nablus, Jericho, and Beisan among others. The Hebrews later joined them during the period 1400-1200BC. In 637 AD, Jerusalem came under Islamic rule while Christianity was the dominant religion. The rule of Islam continued up to 1918 when the Ottoman Empire fell. Following the WWI, Palestine came under the rule of the French and the British. In 1948, Palestinian land was re-occupied by Israel and by 1967 most of the Palestinian land had fallen under the rule of the Israelis. The struggle by the Arabs to regain their independence has been continuing but was neglected by the world's major powers during the cold war period as they competed to gain control of the Middle East region which is strategically placed. The result of this power struggle has seen Israel receive much support from the west. The Palestinians on the other hand have failed in their bid to convince the superpowers to call for the Israeli withdrawal from the west bank. The result of this struggle has been a perennial and a vicious cycle of violence between the Palestinians and the Israelis.


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The US interests in the Middle East

America has many Allies in the middle East region which include Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Pakistan and morocco to name just but a few. The main reason why the US is befriended to these countries is not only due to its dependence on their oil but also to use their territories as its strategic military bases. There is a close relationship between the government of the United States and Israel and this is being described as the leading feature of US foreign policy. The government of Israel receives close to US$3.5 billion every year inform of both military and economic aid. Israel is benefiting from the support she gets from America at the expense of Palestine. The government of the USA is however being the main mediator in the escalating Israel-Palestine conflict over the years. The US government is constantly holding which are aimed at creating and restoring peace although some of the meeting is not bearing fruits (Ewane, 2010). Many accords are signed most of which are not being honored by either side.

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The US support for Israel in the Israel-Palestine conflict is driven by other factors other than its strategic location;

a) Special-interest lobbying, this is restraining any free or balanced discussion of certain truths. There is reluctance in many discussions to put up a critique on policies regarding Israel especially from lobby groups such as the strange effort by the American- Israel political Action Committee (AIPAC). There is also absence of a strong voice that can oppose the move by this group. For example, any attempt by the US congress to seek for a balanced opinion between the Palestine and the Israel can lead into a political suicide. Similar fate can also befall whoever suggests that Israel comply with the UN statutes or even talk of the human rights of the Palestine.

b) The neoconservatives-a group of influential individuals who are based in Washington and acts as the force behind the war between Israel and Palestine. This group of the 'leftists' have an ideology that demonstrates a passionate devotion to their brothers in Israel. The group's member are currently holding major positions in the US government and are considering the plight of Israel as synonymous to that of America. These two factors are responsible for America's foreign policy in Israel but oil and weapons industries has no connection to America policy in Israel.

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The Obama administration

The government of Barrack Obama has a strong pro-Israel tone which it continues to support. The Obama administration believes that the course of the Israel is fundamentally just and that its commitment to Israel is not negotiable. The government of the US is making it clear that it is out to strengthen the hand of the moderators of the Palestinians and in turn isolate the Hamas. The US is being considered to be against any negotiations with the Hamas until when and only when the group renounces terrorism and recognizes Israel as a sovereign state and in addition abides to the past accords.

A case study that focuses on the failure of both the Eisenhower and Kennedy to lure Nasser into the western camp and Kennedy agreement to the sale of US arms to Israel which start with president Johnson and the response to his administration to the June war of 1967.the recent ties between the United States and Israel largely stemmed from this event. The 1967 war resulted to Johnson administration mounting to the first American military supply operation to Israel following the case fire  hence providing Israel with diplomatic support in united nation against Soviet union and the radical  Arab states tactically endorsing Israel occupation of captured Arab territory until the collusion of peace negotiation (Stephen, 2006).

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The policy of the republican administration of Richard Nixon toward Israel during the Yomkippur war of Arab Israel conflict resulted in the US armed force being put on nuclear alert. The launch of America in supplying operation to Israel during the war and establishment of financial aid to Israel.

George Bush administration in his attempt to balance American, Israel and Arab interest during the Kaloidoscopic changes in international landscape that are characterized to post cold world war. (Menachem, 2002).

Analysis's of the case study

The case study explores the dynamic of the US policy toward the Israel in term of the politics, sociology economics and strategy commitment. The US support to Israel serves only to damage the friendly relationships with the oil producing countries of the Middle East. For instance in the above case study, George Bush administration in his attempt to balance American, Israel and Arab interest during the Kaloidoscopic changes in international landscape that are characterized to post cold world war. There is a tense feeling among the Americans that support to Israel deprives them of the much needed money which should otherwise be used for domestic American requirements. The opinion of the masses is that the tax revenues be used to address the domestic needs rather than be sent to Israel where they are used to fuel discrimination that is unethical to their virtues of equality and good governance.

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US main reason to collaborate with countries in Middle East region is not only due to its dependence on their oil but also to use their territories as its strategic military base. This notion has really spoiled its relationships with some countries. For instance it is being the main mediator in the escalating Israel-Palestine conflict over the years which its masses feels that the tax revenue is being misused and to extent further fuel discrimination that is unethical to their virtues of equality and good governance.



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